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Dynamics of Litterfall and the Litter Layer in the Fushan Forest of Northeastern Taiwan



以宜蘭福山地區的暖溫帶闊葉林為對象,測定其枯落物和枝葉層及其養分的動態變化。經3年之監測,枯落物量各年平均量為5,460-11,840 kg/ha/yr。其中落葉最多,佔58.2-78.7%;小枝條次之,佔13.3-23.4%;其餘為大枝條及果實、樹皮等其它物質。各月份枯落物量的差異極大,其量可由177-4,566 kg/hr/mo,相差約26倍。最大量出現在1994年7月,其原因主要是由於颱風侵襲造成大量的枯落物。故颱風確實對本區闊葉林之枯落物量有決定性的影響。甚至全年度的平均量因此而明顯上升。至於枯落物之養分含量為氮85.5-176.6kg/ha/yr,磷4.80-9.77kg/ha/yr,鉀15.6-32.2kg/ha/yr,鈣37.6-79.3kg/ha/yr,鎂7.74-15.36kg/ha/yr。其中以氮最高,磷最低。而枝葉層則無明顯的季節性變化,年度變化的趨勢與枯落物者大致相似。


枯落物 枝葉層 福山 暖溫帶闊葉林 颱風


Litterfall and the litter layer in a warm temperate broadleaf forest in the Fushan area of northeastern Taiwan were monitored for over 3 yr. The nutrient contents of the litterfall and litter layer were determined. After collection, mean annual litterfall was determined to range from 5,460 to 11,840 kg/ha/yr. of which 58.2-78.7% was composed of foliar litter, 13.3-23.4% was small branch litter, and the remainder was comprised of other plant materials and large branch lifter. The variances of mean monthly litterfall were extremely large, and ranged from 177 to 4,566 kg/ha/mo. The largest amount of litterfall occurred in July 1994, which was 26 times larger than the smallest amount in January 1992. The main reason was disturbance from a typhoon in July which caused a massive amount of litterfall. Therefore, the typhoon was the primary factor affecting litterfall occurrence in the forest. Even the annual mean of litterfall increased due to the typhoon. The primary nutrients of litterfall in plots were also calculated. Annual amounts of these nutrients included 85.5-176.6 kg/ha/yr N, 4.80-9.77 kg/ha/yr P, 15.6-32.2 kg/ha/yr K, 37.6-79.3 kg/ha/yr Ca, and 7.74-15.36 kg/ha/yr Mg. Among these nutrients N had the largest values, while P had the smallest values. Meanwhile the biomass of lifter layer showed no significant variance among seasons, and its trend of annual variation was similar to that of litterfall.


Wang, H. C. (2015). 不同尺度台灣森林生物量與枯落物動態之分析 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00844
