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Using a Geographic Information System to Estimate Changes in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration of Forest Stocks in the Liukuei Experimental Forest



本研究運用六龜試驗林經營計畫之1969、1980、1989年森林蓄積地理資訊,以IPCC修正推估模式,代入合理的轉換係數,應用地理資訊系統計算六龜試驗林9,616 ha各層級林型之二氧化碳吸存量及二氧化碳密度分佈圖。以天然針葉林、天然闊葉林及人工林主要林型進行估算結果顯示,森林蓄積對二氧化碳吸存總量,3個年期依序為199×10^4、227×10^4及302×10^4 ton 呈遞增的趨勢。依據各林型的年淨生長率,以1989年蓄積為基準估算迄2002年止六龜試驗林主要林型之森林蓄積對二氧化碳的吸存貢獻量,總計為414×10^4 ton。綜觀4個不同年期,不論森林蓄積量、二氧化碳吸存量或吸存密度,皆以近似總生長量曲線之幼壯期到成熟期階段之趨勢遞增,顯見整個試驗林森林蓄積之增進,對二氧化碳有正面的吸存效應。


Data on forest growing stocks for the years 1969, 1980, and 1989 acquired from forest inventory reports and management plans in the Liukuei Experimental Forest (LEF) with a 9616-ha area were built into thematic maps in a geographic information system (GIS). A modified IPCC model with local parameters on GIS database system was applied to estimate carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide density sequestered from the stocks of the 3 main forest types of natural conifer, natural hardwood, and plantation in the LEF; results showed that the total amounts of absorbed carbon dioxide for individual y ears were estimated to be 198×10^4, 227×10^4, and 302×104t, respectively. The amount and density of carbon dioxide sequestrated could be presented as thematic maps for different levels of forest types and their spatial distributions using the GIS. Stocks in 1989 were selected using the net growth rate of the forest types to infer the forest stocks in 2002. Stocks in 2002 estimated by the same approach showed that around 414×10^4 t carbon dioxide was sequestered. The nonlinear increasing trends of forest stocks, carbon dioxide, and carbon density stored in the period of the 4 yr were co incident with the general forest growth stages from strong-youth to mature along the accumulated forest growth logistic curve. The results showed that previous increases in forest stocks in the LEF had a positive function as a carbon sink to reduce the greenhouse effect.


