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Effects of Chemical Treatment with Phosphoric Acid and Amine Systems on the Durability and Dimensional Stability of Wood



本研究目的在於探討木質材料經磷酸、三種有機胺(尿素、三聚氰胺、氰胍)與八種金屬氯化物(氯化鋅、氯化鉻、氯化銅、氯化鈣、氯化鐵、氯化鈷、氯化鎳、氯化鋁)等藥劑處理後對於其耐腐朽性、抗白蟻性與尺寸安定性之改善效果。處理材之耐腐朽性與抗白蟻性係分別依照美國試驗與材料標準法ASTM D1413-99 (1999)、美國木材保存協會AWPA E1-97 (1999)等標準方法進行試驗。此外,亦將試材置於27℃與90%相對濕度恆溫恆濕箱中以測量其尺寸安定性變化。試驗結果顯示:木材經藥劑處理後皆可以有效地改善其耐腐朽性與抗白蟻性,減少褐腐菌(Gloeophyllum trabeum)、白腐菌(Trametes versicolor)與家白蟻(Coptotermes formosanus)之危害。三種不同有機胺藥劑中,三聚氰胺處理材及氰胍處理材皆具極佳之耐腐朽性及抗白蟻性等保存效果,尿素處理材則效果較不顯著;磷酸、三聚氰胺與金屬氯化物處理材具有最優異之耐腐朽性,而磷酸、氰胍與金屬氯化物處理材則具有最優異之抗白蟻性;各種處理材之平衡含水率與體積膨脹率略為減少,顯示未能有效改善其尺寸安定性,且三種有機胺類處理材間改善效果差異不大。


The objective of this research was to improve the fungal decay resistance, termite resistance, and dimensional stability of wood by treating it with a combination of phosphoric acid, amines (urea, melamine, and dicyandiamide), and metal chlorides (zinc chloride, chromium chloride, copper chloride, ferric chloride, calcium chloride, cobalt chloride, nickel chloride, and aluminum chloride). Fungal decay resistance and termite resistance of the treated wood were evaluated according to ASTM D 1413-99 (1999) and AWPA E1-97 (1999). Moreover dimensional stability of the treated wood was also evaluated at 27℃ and 90% relative humidity in a constant-temperature and -humidity chamber Results revealed that deterioration of the wood caused by decay fungi (Gloeophyllum trabeum and Trametes versicolor) and termites (Coptotermes formosanus) could effectively be prevented by the use of such treatments. Wood treated with phosphoric acid, melamine, and metal chlorides was more effective than other treatments in the fungal decay test. Wood treated with phosphoric acid, dicyandiamide, and metal chlorides exhibited the best properties against termite attack. Moreover, the moisture content and volumetric swelling of the treated wood were slightly reduced when treated wood was placed in a constant-temperature and -humidity chamber No significant differences in improvement of dimensional stability were observed among all treatments.


