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Forest Scenic Esthetic Assessment-A Case Study of Taiwania cryptomerioides Plantations in the Liouguei Experimental Forest



本研究透過心理物理學派Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE)模式及認知模式兩種研究方法的結合為基礎,主旨在瞭解朝向永續發展經營之台灣杉人工林類型,民眾景觀偏好、認知因子(含形式美學)知覺、生物物理因子及其間關係。研究地點為林業試驗所六龜鳳崗山林區台灣杉人工林。受測者景觀評估程序為受測者針對每張照片影像,先評量每張照片影像的森林景觀品質,其次再就認知因子感受程度進行評估。在資料分析部分,森林景觀偏好數值先經RMRATE軟體轉化為SBE值,接著所有調查數值經由差異性分析來瞭解受測者基本資料對森林景觀偏好及因子之差異,並透過多元迴歸模式來分析森林景觀偏好、認知因子與調查樣區生物物理因子間的關係。研究結果顯示:學生和社會人士在森林景觀偏好無顯著差異。認知因子中形式美學屬性之「統一性」及「層次性」對森林景觀偏好具正面影響。在樣區生物物理因子對景觀偏好影響分析上顯示,高地被覆蓋度、低地下枯枝木率及高枝下高會顯著正向影響認知因子之評值,包括能正面影響景觀偏好的「統一性」及「層次性」兩個形式美學屬性。明顯的,處理「統一性」及「層次性」兩個形式美學屬性及高地被覆蓋度及低地下枯枝木的關係應用,應是台灣杉林下景觀美學設計所需思考的要項。


This study adopted integration of Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) and a cognition model as the research method to understand a sustainable approach to scenic esthetics of Taiwania plantations. The study site was located in Taiwania plantation forests in the Fang-Kang area of the Liouguei Experimental Forest. The respondents were investigated to reveal their scenic preferences, biophysical attributes, and perceptions of cognitive factors including formal esthetic attributes using projected photo images. RMRATE software was used to transfer scores of scenic preferences into SBE values. Then, all data were analyzed by a variance analysis and regression technique. The results indicated that no significant difference was shown in SBEs between students and non- students. It was shown that the ”unity” and ”graduation” of formal esthetic attributes of the investigated cognitive factors had positive effects on scenic preferences. In the analysis of the effect of biophysical attributes on scenic preferences, respondents preferred forest near-view scenes with greater percentage of herbaceous ground cover, less downed wood/debris on the ground, and a higher height to crown base of trees. Furthermore, it was observed that a greater percentage of herbaceous ground cover and less downed wood/debris resulted in higher ratings in the formal esthetic attributes of ”unity” and ”graduation” which positively influenced scenic preferences. Apparently, dealing with relationships of formal attributes (”unity” and ”graduation”) and biophysical attributes (percentage of herbaceous ground cover and downed wood/debris) should be seriously considered in designing scenic esthetics of Taiwania plantations.
