  • 期刊


The Research of the Relationships among Family-Restricted Employment Policy, Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study for Manufacturing


本研究引用組織公正的理論,試圖了解國內一個案公司施行親屬禁用之人事任用制度,對於員工之組織承諾以及工作滿意度之影響。為杜絕因為親屬關係在組織各項運作上可能造成的問題,個案公司遂採行「親屬禁用制度」。由於親屬禁用制度設計之主要精神之一,是希望防止主管因為偏袒個人關係比較親近之親屬而形成不公正之各項管理做法與結果,進而影響員工工作士氣,故本研究採用分配公正與程序公正,嚐試了解員工對於「親屬禁用制度」之瞭解,是否藉由兩項組織公正之提昇,進一步影響員工之工作滿意度及組織承諾。本研究由個案公司中抽取225 位,分佈於不同層級之員工進行問卷調查。並且採用線性結構分析為主要資料統計分析方法,運用巢型模式來驗証假設的關係後。本研究結果發現(1)親屬禁用制度之認同對組織公正具有直接顯著的影響。(2)組織公正對工作滿意度與組織承諾具顯著影響。(3)組織公正為親屬禁用制度之認同與工作滿意度/組織承諾之關係的中介變項。(4)程序公正對組織承諾的影響大於分配公正;分配公正對工作滿意度的影響並沒有顯著大於程序公正。最後,針對研究結果本研究提出理論與實務應用上之討論、建議與研究限制。


This study examined the consequences of a special workforce placement policy that restricted hiring family member or relatives for any position in management in the company to assure a just work environment. The impact of this policy on job satisfaction and organizational commitment through the mediating effects of organizational justice were investigated using the data collected from 225 employees from a company in Taiwan. Employees reported their perception of the special placement policy, the perceived procedural and distributive justice, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Using structural equation modeling, we found that perception of the special placement policy had significantly positive influences on perceived procedural and distributive justice. Additionally, positive relationships were found between procedural and distributive justice with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The analysis also discovered that procedural and distributive justice were significant mediators for the relationships of placement policy with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Managerial implications and research limitations were discussed.


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