  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Legal Boundaries and Limits of the Adiministrative Regulation of Election Survey During an Election Period




During the election period, the candidates will more than often try various measures and methods to influence the final decision of the voters. The use of election survey is one of the common methods for an election campaign. As the application of internet continues to expand and its user costs decline, also taking into account the universalization of mobile internet devices, the depth, scope, and speed of the influence of the election survey results continue to strengthen. How these influences could impact the procedure and outcome of the election is the primary focus when it comes to discussing whether and how the usage of election survey should be regulated. The main discussion of this article will focus on “whether there is the necessity to incorporate, the usage of election survey by the people or mass media during an election period, into the administrative regulation?” Firstly, this article will discuss the possible restriction and influence to the freedom of expression and freedom of election, when restricting the release and use of election survey during an election period, according to Art. 52 of Taiwan's Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, and Art. 53 of the Civil Servants Election and Recall Act. Secondly, this article will further point out the possible disputes deriving from the main discussion through summarization of the current practice and opinions, and the observation on Taiwan's legislative process and construction of the legal scheme of the present regulation. Thirdly, the article will provide suggestions to the regulation of Taiwan's election survey mode, including: selection of the core value, the advancement of the principle of clarity and definiteness of law and the principle of legal reservation, the legitimacy of the restriction on election survey and the establishment of the criterion of penalty plus relevant supporting measures. In the end, a conclusion will be made in hope to provide some advices to a radical system reform of Taiwan's election survey regulation.


中選會,「選舉民意調查有無規制必要性」公聽會紀錄,2016年6 月16 日,頁1-17。
吳庚、陳淳文,憲法理論與政府體制,三民,2016 年9 月。
吳信華,憲法釋論,三民,2015 年9 月。
李惠宗,憲法要義,元照,2015 年9 月。
張千帆,選舉公正的司法保障論負面競選的審查標準,憲政時代第32 卷第4 期,2007 年4 月,頁495-543。
