  • 期刊


Human Rights, State Sovereignty and Solidarist Theories of Humanitarian Intervention


1990 年代以降的地區衝突、內戰或種族矛盾引發多起人道危機,其間出現的大規模集體屠殺與種族清洗踐踏了人權,造成了難以彌補的人道慘況,使得無數無辜生命因此消失,更殃及國際和平與安全。對於各種人道危機,是否應該進行干預的問題,引起不同論者之間的許多爭議,我們的焦點放在團合主義者如何回應這些爭議之上,文中探討人道干預道德及法律權利/本分,以及用權利/本分爲框架的理論之限制。


人權 主權 人道干預 團合主義 全球化 責任


Regional conflicts, civil wars and ethnic antagonisms in the 1990s induced many instances of humanitarian crises. Massacres and ethnic cleansings seriously violated human rights and brought about reproachable humanitarian miseries and losses of thousands of lives. The legitimacy of humanitarian intervention has attracted much attention among international theorists, lawyers and philosophers. This paper examines the strengths and limits of solidarist arguments with reference to moral and legal rights/duties.


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