  • 期刊


Taiwanese Civil Servants' Gender Differences in Human Capital, Job Choice/Career Goal, and Career Advancement: A Case of the TGBS, 2008


不論是在公部門或是私部門,近年來已有許多研究證明「性別」是影響生涯發展的一項重要因素。然而,針對台灣文官所進行之性別研究中,至今尚未出現以全體文官為對象所進行之循證分析。本文使用2008台灣文官調查(Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey, TGBS)的資料,希望能夠透過以循證調查為基礎之分析,了解性別因素如何影響台灣文官的升遷狀況。透過交叉分析、t檢定、變異數分析以及階層迴歸等統計方法,本研究所提出的兩個假設大致獲得支持,亦即性別差異對於工作年資、教育程度、工作選擇與工作目標皆有顯著影響,而上述四項變數對於升遷結果與升遷阻礙也都具有顯著影響,其中,屬於人力資本因素之工作年資與教育程度,對於升遷結果與升遷阻礙的影響又更為關鍵。


Studies in recent years have found that gender is an important factor affecting career advancement both in the public and private sectors. However, existing gender studies on Taiwanese civil servants have never been conducted based on survey results targeting all Taiwanese civil servants as the population. This paper intends to perform evidencebased analysis using survey data collected from the Taiwan Government Bureaucrat Survey (TGBS) in order to better understand how gender differences have affected the promotion of public officials in Taiwan. Based on the results of the crosstabs, t-tests, ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses, both of the hypotheses have been accepted. It is found that gender differences affect the seniority, level of education, the officials' reasons for entering public service, and the officials' desire to work. It is also found that these four factors have impacts on both the officials' current ranking and the length of time the officials have been in their current position. However, it should be noted that the factors of human capital, including seniority and the level of education, have a greater impact on both the officials' current ranking and the time they have been in their current position.


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