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The Body Images and Sexuality Talk of Female College Dormitory Residents




The college dormitory is a field for the performance of the mainstream cultural ideals of female body, in which young women frame and reframe their body images. The aim of this study is to understand how female college dormitory residents experience body and beauty ideals, and to explore the discourse and practice of sexuality. Method of interview is employed.Participants describe their individual and collective experiences of skin care, weight lose, and dressing style. Exchanging fashion information and modeling peers' behaviors are the ways for them to engage with dominant cultural standards of beauty. Through experiences of sexual objectification, they learn to objectify themselves and their peers as well. Although some participants try to resist cultural messages about women's bodies, they find that it is hard to go against the beautification practice in the dormitory. The body images of these young women are situated within patriarchal culture, media and markets, which highlights the paradoxical female subjectivity issue as the self-enabling acts of individuals are shown to be inextricably embedded in layers of domination.In a culture that is determined to restrict talk about sex-related topics, particularly those of sexual practices, participants develop several strategies to enable themselves to talk, learn, and discuss issues of sexuality. In order to stay overnight with their boyfriends, the female college students breakdown the regulations by jumping out of the 2nd floor or blocking the surveillance camera with an umbrella when entering the male dormitory. For the lesbian students, the dormitory is not a safe place for their sexual identity and the practice of intimacy relationship in private. They thus respond in ways of passing, covering, or remaining a state of uncertainty when their sexuality is challenged.


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