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Integrate the Research Approaches of Analogy with Multiple Representations to Investigate the Design of Multiple Analogies Effecting Pupils' Electricity Concepts Learning


多重類比的使用有助於克服複雜抽象概念所形成之另有概念,但卻有增加認知負荷之虞,而設計良好的多重類比則有助於緩和可能造成的認知負荷(Spiro et al., 1989)。鑑於目前研究尚缺乏對多重類比設計原則的闡明,本研究特經文獻探討,整合類比的設計原則(Glynn, 1991; Gentner & Gentner, 1983; Zeitoun, 1984)及多重表徵之評鑑、轉化原則(Ainsworth, 1999; Ainsworth et al., 1998; de Jong et al., 1998)開發合適的多重類比設計原則,並以之設計電學相關教材。接著,本研究以實驗方式選取國小四年級學童32名,隨機、平均分配以閱讀對照組、單一類比組、相似類比組及互補類比組四種教材,分別探究各種教材對學生電學學習成就、認知負荷的影響及學生對所設計教材的態度。結果顯示整合類比與多重表徵研究取向所設計的多重類比教材能有效促進電學概念的深層理解、緩和可能的認知負荷,且學生對教材所設計的類比有助於概念學習、多重類比有助於察覺類比限制皆持正向看法,顯見所開發之設計原則可作為多重類比教材設計時的參考依據。


Spiro et al. (1989) thought multiple analogies could overcome alternative conceptions, but care should be taken to avoid increasing cognitive load. Well designed multiple analogies could contribute to moderate possible cognitive loading. In order to investigate this issue, the authors designed instructional materials for teaching electricity. These materials were based on literature reviews which integrated the design views of analogy (Glynn, 1991; Gentner & Gentner, 1983; Zeitoun, 1984) as well as the transformation views of multiple representations (de Jong et al., 1998; Ainsworth, 1999; Ainsworth et al., 1998). Furthermore, researchers selected 32 middle achievement students from fourth grade and randomly assigned them to a control group, a single analogy group, a similar analogies group and a complementary analogies group to investigate the effect on pupils' electric current learning achievement, measurements of cognitive loading and attitudes toward the designed teaching materials. The results showed that the teaching materials which integrated the approaches of analogy and multiple representations could promote understanding of electricity concepts, moderate possible cognitive loading, and positive attitudes toward concept learning as well as highlighting the differences between the analogy and target domain. It is noticeable that the design principles integrated with the research approaches of analogy and multiple representations could contribute to the design of multiple analogies teaching materials.


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