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Exploring Elementary Students' Views Regarding Scientific Inquiry from the Perspective of Epistemological Development




科學探究 認識觀


The purpose of this study is to explore epistemological perspectives regarding scientific inquiry among elementary school students. The research tool was the ”Views Of Science Inquiry” (VOSI) questionnaire. The participants were 120 third and sixth grade students, half of which are male and half are female. A coding scheme developed by Yang et al. (2008) was modified and applied to content analysis, and a chisquare test was conducted for evaluator consistency. The results showed that epistemological perspectives regarding scientific inquiry among third grade students can be classified into at least four categories, namely, pre-positivist, positivist, multiplist, and constructivist positions. Most third grade participants held a prepositivist position, while many sixth graders showed a positivist viewpoint toward scientific activities. Regarding epistemological perspectives concerning scientific methods, both third and sixth graders occupied a pre-positivist position. In regard to scientific evidence, the majority of third and sixth grade students displayed a positivist position, while some began to express a multiplist view. There was no significant gender difference in epistemological perspectives regarding scientific activities, methodology, and evidence. However, the third and sixth grade participants showed significant differences in their views regarding scientific activities and evidence, but not scientific methods. The research findings support the premise that epistemological perspectives regarding scientific inquiry are undergoing development during these years.


Science Inquiry Epistemology


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