  • 期刊


The Past, Present and Future of Community Safety Networks in Taiwan




For more than 100 years, physicians in Taiwan remain wholeheartedly dedicated to the care for our society. As health professionals we now face many challenges. With changes in our national health insurance strategies, restructuring of our healthcare system, difficulties with our international relations, and the emergence of artificial intelligence in medicine, we need a serious discourse on how to keep our core values intact as healthcare providers. The Group Practice Centers, first set up in rural areas in 1983, ignited the first revolution in community medical care. The second revolution took place as community healthcare groups emerged in response to the 921 Jiji earthquake in 1999 and the SARS epidemic in 2003. These innovations provided a strong foundation enabling Taiwan's extraordinary response to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. The national project of sixth stage medical care network provided the backbone of a hierarchical medical system. Community Healthcare Groups deliver preventive care and lower medical expenses. Furthermore, physicians are more willing to participate in the control of COVID pandemic if they are part of a community healthcare group. The Taiwan Medical Association (TMA) holds virtual meetings with regional associations regularly to gather information about COVID 19 nationwide and refine our response strategies. The leadership of TMA is determined to construct safety networks for national health, a key objective charged by President Tsai. This will continue to be a high-priority mission in the near future for TMA.


Chang BB, Chiu TY. Ready for a long fight against the COVID-19 outbreak: an innovative model of tiered primary health care in Taiwan. BJGP Open 2020;4(2):bjgpopen20X101068.
