  • 期刊


An Innovative Model for Community Prevention of COVID-19


從2020年1月COVID-19疫情在台灣發生截至2021年4月13日共1062人確診,11人死亡。透過邊境管制、檢疫、接觸者疫調、隔離、自主居家健康管理、移民資訊連結看診健保卡、每日記者會宣導…等措施,每日僅有個位數的新增確診個案,對比鄰近的亞太國家,防疫的成效可以稱得上績優。圍堵(containment)的策略,讓新增的個案不致於暴增,保全醫療體系的量能,也延後達到高峰的時間。雖然第一時間社區基層診所緊急守住疫情,為因應可能來臨的社區傳播(community transmission),醫師公會全聯會(Taiwan Medical Association, TMA)已研擬,透過建置強化的社區醫療群診所,結合社區採檢醫院,成為分級的基層醫療網絡,有能力將輕症留在社區治療,重症轉到大醫院,讓醫療體系透過各級醫院和社區診所的緊密合作,面對未知病毒的侵襲,可不致醫療崩潰。


From January 2020 to April 13, 2021, Taiwan reported 1062 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 11 deaths. Taiwan has been able to control the epidemic more effectively than many other countries in the Asian-Pacific region through a combination of measures including border control, testing and quarantine of individuals with history of contacts, at-home self-isolation, integration of immigration information with healthcare information and daily press conferences. Our containment strategy ensured the numbers of new cases per day remain single digits, the peak time is postponed, and the medical system is not overwhelmed. While the first response by primary healthcare effectively slowed down the epidemic, the Taiwan Medical Association (TMA) has devised a long-term strategy to handle the inevitable situation of community transmission. The plan involves a tiered primary healthcare network of community healthcare groups prepared clinics (CHGPC) and community screening stations (CSS) to treat patients with mild symptoms at the community clinics so hospitals and medical centers can focus on serious cases. Close coordination of hospitals and community care providers is a key to guard the medical system against possible collapse due to surprising outbreaks of unknown pathogens.


Chang BB, Chiu TY. Ready for a long fight against the COVID-19 outbreak: an innovative model of tiered primary health. care in Taiwan. BJGP Open 2020;4:bjgpopen20X101068.
COVID Talk [Taiwan] with Dr Brian Chang. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a0wZ7980p7w&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3CLTAvXFhec3mm95kmJjxfsEmOjfcDUf-LBsO5iR7qAPF g7bhWAybnkws./ Accessed April 9, 2021.
Taiwan’s Response to the Coronavirus: An Interview with Dr. Brian Chang Ep 70. http://talkingtaiwan.com./ Accessed April 9, 2021.


