  • 期刊


The Role of Community Clinics in Constructing the Community Safety Networks


基層診所在防疫工作可以扮演重要的角色,台北市因應疫情,在2020年1月成立「新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)醫療緊急應變小組」。我們召開12次會議,完成了處置原則的訂定、防疫物資採購及調度、建構防疫物資配發據點、發展通訊診療,從而建構完備的醫療防疫服務體系,我們也進行國際防疫交流分享,並且榮獲國際醫院聯盟(IHF)因應新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情,傑出貢獻者的表彰(BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY FOR COVID-19: RECOGNIZED ORGANIZATIONS)。我們應鼓勵民眾前往社區診所,就近提供急性病、慢性病診療、預防保健等服務;行動不便,有醫療服務需求者,繼續提供居家醫療服務。發展建立在社區醫療群及分級醫療的基礎,維持正常的醫療量能,以健全醫療防疫體系,保留80%的診所,持續提供正常的醫療及慢性病服務,20%的診所以社區醫療群醫師為基礎,強的裝備和能力,成為「社區醫療群強化診所(Community Healthcare Groups Prepared Clinics, CHGPC)」。配合社區採檢站的設置,醫師公會鼓勵醫師自願參與社區採檢站,以補足人力的需求。


Community clinics play a very important role in pandemic preparedness and response. The Taipei Medical Association established COVID-19 Response Task Force Team in January 2020, and I am honored to be assigned as the convenor. We have systemic review of practice, results, policy. After 12 meetings, the association set up standard operating procedures (SOP) for traffic control and patient referral, medical supply distribution, and online doctor consultation. Our prevention network was awarded as one of the "Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: Recognized Organizations" by the International Hospital Federation (IHF). We encourage people to go to community clinics for health prevention, chronic conditions and acute illness. For those who are disabled, we provide home care services. The idea is based on community care networks and level of care. About 80 % of the clinics will maintain their normal medical service while 20% of the clinics become Community Healthcare Groups Prepared Clinics (CHGPC). We will enhance CHGPC's healthcare equipment and capacity for the pandemic. We also established Community Screening Stations and encouraged community medical group physicians to volunteer to fill the manpower gap.


邱泰源:因應國際第二波 COVID-19 疫情建立完整社區醫療防疫安全網絡 充足醫療資源保障人民健康幸褔。臺灣醫界雜誌2020;63:5-6。
洪德仁:面對武漢肺炎(新冠肺炎COVID-19)醫師總動員。台北市醫師公會會刊 2020;64:2-4。
洪德仁:團隊協力做好福國利民的健康照護。台北市醫師公會會刊 2020;64:2-3。
張必正、邱泰源:台灣以創新的分級基層醫療防疫模式 因應長期對抗 COVID-19疫情。臺灣醫界雜誌2020;63:14-5。


