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The Correlation of Quality of Life and Leisure with Elderly Depression in a Taiwanese Suburban Community



目的:本研究以社區為基礎,主要目的是檢視高雄市次都會社區的老年憂鬱症盛行率與相關危險因子。在風險因子上,除了人口學變項外,尚包含生活品質與休閒社交因素。方法學:於某次都會區內隨機抽樣三個區域,針對全部871老年居民進行調查,以災難相關心理症狀篩檢表測量憂鬱症,以生活品質簡短量表-36(SF-36)測量生活品質,並且輔助測量基本人口學資料及休閒社交等變項。共609位(69.9%)老年人完成訪談。結果:89位(校正後盛行率14.29%)受訪老年人可能具有重鬱症。可能的憂鬱症的危險因子可能包括未受教育(aOR=2.1, 95%CI:1.0-4.2)、不良的生理(aOR=3.2, 95%CI:1.7-6.3)、心理生活品質(aOR=2.5, 95%CI:1.4-4.5)及缺乏休閒伴侶(aOR=2.2, 95%CI:1.3-3.9)。結論:本研究發現之老年憂鬱症盛行率略低於台灣其他近期研究,不良生活品質與缺乏休閒伴侶可能是憂鬱症的危險因子,針對老年族群的介入措施可將资源放在提升生活品質與休閒安排上。


Objective: The purpose of this community-based study was to examine the prevalence and related risk factors of elderly depression in a suburban area in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Methods: With the Disaster-related Psychological Screening Test (DRPST) and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire, we interviewed 871 aged elderly in a community. Six hundred and nine (69.9%) elderly residents completed the interview. Results: We identified 89 (adjusted prevalence was 14.29%) elderly as having probable major depression. The risk factors of having probable depression in the elderly were illiteracy (aOR=2.1, 95% CI:1.0-4.2), a poor Physical Components Summary (aOR=3.2, 95% CI:1.7-6.3), a poor Mental Components Summary (aOR=2.5, 95% CI:1.4-4.5), and a lack of leisure companions reported in this study was slightly lower than that of recent studies in Taiwan. Poor quality of life and lack of leisure companion are predictors of elderly depression. Intervention programs should put resources into promoting quality of life and leisure- time arrangement for the elderly population.


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