  • 期刊


A Study of Implementation of TOC Demand-Pull Inventory Management Mechanism in the Beer Game


長鞭效應(Bullwhip Effect)一直是供應鏈管理重要的議題,過去有許多研究探討長鞭效應的相關議題,其中1960年代MIT Sloan管理學院發展的啤酒遊戲即是用來驗證此效應存在的例子。然而傳統MIT啤酒遊戲僅能看到問題,卻無法提出解決方案,因此本研究試圖驗證在MIT啤酒遊戲情境下應用限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)需求拉式(Demand-pull)庫存機制可有不錯績效,藉此提供一個不錯的庫存方法來解決長鞭效應所產生的問題。另外長鞭效應形成,除了學者提出的四個成因外,Dr. Goldratt認爲另一個重要主囚爲「調整目標庫存水位後,並沒有等增加的貨進來後再做檢視」。本研究透過模擬來進行驗證Dr. Goldratt之論點是否成立,最後針對MIT啤酒遊戲中不合理地方做延伸探討與分析。


Bullwhip effect has been an important issue in the supply chain management (SCM). The beer game, developed at the MET Sloan School of Management in early 1 960s, is a classic supply chain problem widely used in graduate business programs to teach the concepts of supply chain management. However, the traditional MIT Beer Game can barely emerge the problem, but not proposing a solution. This study attempts to provide a good way to solve inventory problems arising from the bullwhip effect by verifying the implementation of Theory of Constraints (TOC) Demand-pull mechanism can have better inventory performance in the MIT Beer Game. On the other hand, in addition to the four causes coming up with researcher, Dr. Goldratt thinks another major reason for the bullwhip effect is due to ”After the adjusting of inventory target level, managers revise the level again without waiting for the increase quantities come in later.” This study used the simulation program to verify the Dr. Goldratt's argument is substantiated. Finally, extended analysis against the inadequacy of the MIT Beer Game was also discussed.


