  • 期刊


A Study on the Effect Factors of Occupational Sex Segregation



勞動市場上存在著男性主導與女性主導的職業區隔現象,多數研究發現是造成兩性薪資差異的主因之一。為深入探討造成台灣勞動市場職業性別隔離的原因,本研究以郵寄問卷方式,調查臺灣地區377位受僱者及面訪兩位雇主,除瞭解受僱者所從事的職業性別類型分布外,並分別從個人與組織結構兩大勞動市場之基本面向,探究造成職業性別隔離的成因與機制。本研究發現,個人性別、婚姻狀況、家計責任負擔等因素是影響勞動者選擇從事性別類型職業的重要變項;另性別角色的社會文化規範建構與社會化過程結果,對於女性勞動者在選擇性別類型職業的影響力要比男性明顯;又求才廣告的性別限制也是重要的影響因素。至於雇主個人的歧視,甚或理性的決定與組識規模、成立時間等特徵,則是造成職業性別隔離的重要組織結構因素。 為有效改善職業性別隔離所造成的不均等就業現象,本研究建議從支持女性的家務及照顧工作入手,同時禁止刊登限制特定性別的求才廣告,加強提昇並宣導就議歧視評議委會的服務功能,以及協助事業單位建立客觀的工作設計與評鑑制度,方是落實保障兩性就業機會均等的具體做法。


This study aims to investigate the factors effecting the occupational sex segregation in the Taiwan's labor market from both sides-labor individual characteristics (supply side) and organizational characteristics (demand side). By using mail questionnair of 377 employees and face-to-face interview of 2 employers, the main findings of this study as follows: 1. Individual characteristics including sex, marital status and obligation for family livelihood are significant factors influencing the choice of the gender-typed occupation. 2. The effect of social norms and socialization on the gender-typed occupation is more significant for female than male workers. 3. The sex-preference on advertising for positions vacant is an important factor for the occupational sex segregation. 4. Organizational characteristics including employer's attitude towards sex discrimination, organizational size and history, and rational decision-making are significant factors in effecting the occupational sex segregation. To improve the inequity on opportunity for employment, this study suggests that the following measures should be taken: 1. To introduce supportive services for those female-workers, such as child and elderly care. 2. To exhibit the settlement of sex-preference while advertising for positions vacant. 3. To reinforce the operational functions of the Employment Discrimination Council. 4. To help the enterprise units building up the objective job design and job evaluation system.


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