  • 期刊


Effects of Effective Microorganisms to Improve the Quality of Seedlings


本研究探討施用有效微生物(effective microorganisms, EM)肥料,改善一年生苗木生長及品質之效益。採用EM及經EM發酵生成之有機肥料波卡西(Bokashi)改良土壤介質,應用於台灣櫸、光蠟樹、相思樹及台灣欒樹等主要造林樹種之一年生苗木,試驗結果顯示各樹種苗木在苗高淨生長量、根頸直徑淨生長量、總葉綠素濃度,及植體葉部養分之氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂等元素濃度,均以EM及波卡西併同處理效果較佳,二者對苗木之生長表現有明顯之增進作用,並對土壤化學性質具改善效益。


This study was examined the EM's efficiency with growth and quality of seedling in Taiwan. Data were collected the 1 year of seedlings form the main afforestation green tree including Koelreuteria formosana Hay., Zelkova serrata Thunb., Acacia confusa Merr. and Fraxinus insularis Hemsl, and used the treatment with EM and Bokashi to improve the chemical characteristics of soil. The results showed that BE treatment was efficiency with net height growth, net root collar diameter growth, total dry weight, leaf area, leaf number, chlorophyll concentrations and N, P, K, Ca, Mg element content. The BE treatment was also efficiency the chemical characteristics of soil.
