  • 期刊


Theoretical Analysis and Applications of Surface Reaction-Diffusion (RD) on Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) Chip


Self-assembled Monolayer (SAM)的製作通常是應用擴散的原理,讓材料在晶片表面反應而形成SAM,因此描述SAM成長機制很自然的可以合併鍵結反應與擴散兩種現象而以Reaction-Diffusion (RD)方程式來描述。然而對於波寬隨時間變大的微擾機制(w~t(上標 β))還必須仰賴重整化群的理論來推導,但推導出來的β理論值卻往往與實驗值有所出入,因此我們提出一個比較簡單且有系統的的方法來推導出不同形式RD方程式的精確解。利用這些精確解可以模擬出各種不同β值,並依此來解釋SAM可能的反應機制。


Diffusion technique has been widely applied on the fabrication of self-assembled monolayer (SAM). By using a diffusive precursor allows material to distribute and to react on the surface of chips. Therefore, coupling reacting and diffusing together into an equation of Reaction-Diffusion (RD) may be essential to describe SAM growth mechanism on the chip surface. However, modeling the phenomenon of wavefront broadening which is induced by fluctuation (w~t(superscript β)) may require a complicate Renormalization Group (RG) theory. Moreover, there is inconsistency in terms of β value between RG theory prediction and experimental results. In this communication, therefore, we demonstrated a systematic method for finding the exact solutions of various types of RD equations. Various β values can be modeled by applying these solutions. Further more, the results may be applied to explain many real world’s phenomena such as bacterial or cell growth, etc.
