  • 期刊


The Dual Filial Piety Model in Chinese Culture: Retrospect and Prospects


由於孝道概念在華人文化中源遠流長且幾經轉折,為求周延把握其內涵,並消解過往國內、外許多孝道研究結果彼此衝突之爭議,「孝道雙元模型」在兼顧社會科學者對孝道的定義及測量構面,與人文學者對孝道之歷史意義演變的追溯探討下,由華人親子互動的關係運作特徵切入,釐清孝道所含括的不同屬性或具體行為內容,並以「相互性」與「權威性」兩面向,取代籠統概括的孝道概念,闡釋在概念內涵與運作效果上可明顯區隔的孝道雙元特徵。 目前孝道雙元模型理論的建構與驗證已有初步成果,本文目的即是對此理論模型進行較全面性的介紹,並側重呈現系列實徵研究成果與理論發展歷程之間的密切關聯,讓讀者能從心理學的角度深入理解孝道概念。全文依序分為以下三部分:(1)先就雙元孝道模型之建構歷程,闡釋兩類孝道概念的定義內涵、性質、動力來源與關聯,並兼及介紹測量工具之發展;(2)再就系列實徵研究成果的相關發現,具體說明兩類孝道在個體層次上的心理運作機制與效果,以凸顯雙元孝道模型在理論上的特色;(3)最後則整合曾引用孝道雙元模型的國內、外文獻,讓讀者瞭解此模型多元的應用價值,並考量前全球化趨勢,提出較具發展潛力的未來研究議題與方向。 根據本文的回顧評論可知,孝道雙元模型的主要貢獻即在於兼顧孝道概念的心理與文化原理,並對以往不一致的研究結果提出整合性解釋。目前其應用範疇已延伸至親子衝突、青少年問題行為、老年安養、代間交換及家庭諮商實務等議題,在理論模型與測量工具的信、效度上也持續獲致驗證。其兼具整合力與解釋力之理論優勢,確實值得後續研究者引用此觀點作為孝道研究的基本定論,以釐清研究議題或用以作為對相關現象的詮釋架構。


The concept of filial piety has a long tradition in Chinese culture and has been through several transformations. The Dual Filial Piety Model was constructed to elucidate the concept and resolve contradictions over whether it is beneficial or harmful to individuals. The central goal of this article is to explore this dual model framework comprehensively, linking theory with empirical results. First, I trace the theoretical development of the Dual Filial Piety Model and expound the meanings, characteristics, and implications of each filial aspect as well as the relationship between them. In addition, I address the development of a standard measure of dual filial piety, which has been supported by empirical research. Next, I review empirical results from a series of studies to illustrate the explicit functions and mechanisms of reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety and their corresponding effects on individual adjustment in order to demonstrate the validity of the theoretical model. Finally, in order to show the diverse applications of the dual model framework, I review the literature citing the Dual Filial Piety Model, which includes topics such as parent-child conflict, adolescent problem behavior, elderly care, intergenerational exchange, and family counseling. I use the literature review to address potential issues and to recommend the model as a powerful tool that should be used as a basic guide for future research on filial piety to clarify research questions and interpret related phenomena.


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