  • 期刊


Effects of Salinity on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)


為了解鹽分對小胡瓜種子發芽與幼苗生長之影響。發芽試驗方面,以六種不同鹽分濃度處理‘喜燕’、‘秀燕’與‘鳳燕’三種小胡瓜品種。結果顯示,在0-4 g/L鹽分濃度處理下,對小胡瓜三品種發芽率、發芽速率、發芽天數等差異不大。鹽分濃度升高至6-8 g/L 對發芽才有負面影響。參試品種間以‘鳳燕’種子的發芽對鹽分處理較為敏感。胚根與胚軸的伸長,也都會隨著鹽分濃度的增高而明顯受到抑制。尤其隨著處理時間的增長,不同鹽分濃度處理下的胚根長度差異愈大。隨著鹽分濃度愈高,‘鳳燕’幼苗地上部、地下部鮮重,地上部、地下部長度,葉面積等生長指標都愈差。根部的伸長較地上部敏感。鹽分濃度在4g/L時,對小胡瓜幼苗生長之影響較小。但是當鹽分濃度提高到6g/L以上時,對小胡瓜幼苗生育便產生抑制現象。可能其耐鹽臨界值在4g/L左右。分析小胡瓜‘鳳燕’幼苗葉片內主要代謝物含量顯示,葉綠素含量隨鹽分濃度的升高而減少。蛋白質、可溶性碳水化合物、脯氨酸含量則是隨鹽分濃度的升高而增加。其中可溶性碳水化合物與脯氨酸含量的變化較為迅速。這些代謝物含量的變化可能是植物滲透調節以保護細胞避免遭到鹽害所需。


胡瓜 鹽分 發芽 幼苗


To study the effects of salt on the seed germination and seedling growth of cucumber. For seed germination test, three cultivars 'Preety Swallow', 'Joy' and 'Fountain' were tested with six salt concentrations. The results showed significant differences in germination percentage, speed of germination and germination days of three cultivars by 6-8 g/L high salt concentrations. Salt tolerance among cucumber cultivars is different. In salinity stress, 'Fountain' is more sensitive than the other cultivars. Salt concentration higher than 4 g/L, it begain to inhibit germination, radicle and hypocotyl elongation, and growth of seedling. It seemed that salt concentration of 4 g/L was a threshold value for salt tolerance in cucumber. Contents of chlorophyll, protein, soluble carbohydrate and proline of leaves of cucumber ”Fountain” were analyzed. The results showed that the protein, soluble carbohydrate and proline content were increased with the salt content. However, the higher salt concentration can decrease chlorophyll content. The metabolic changes are believed to promote salt tolerance in plants by maintaining turgor through osmotic regulation.
