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Pictorial Humor Processes and a Dual-Route Humor Comprehension Model


幽默感是一種重要的認知能力,它除了能讓我們接收事物中有趣的訊息,能增進個體生活的趣味和人際相處的技巧,同時也可以被視為心理健康的重要指標之一(Chapman & Foot, 1996)。目前幽默的研究主要是以語文幽默理解為主,同樣重要的非語文訊息方面的研究卻相對缺乏。非語文訊息包括表情、動作、圖像、聲調、語氣等等。本文以圖像式非語文刺激(漫畫)來討論非語文刺激對幽默理解的影響,以及非語文刺激與語文刺激在幽默理解歷程上的關係,並且提出一個雙路徑模式,以期能對幽默理解有一個更完整的瞭解。本研究包含了三個實驗,首先,我們驗證了圖像式非語文刺激能夠被受試者接收,而且不同的心像經驗可以產生不同的幽默感受。其次,我們驗證了非語文幽默刺激可以經由語文管道來處理,也可以由心像管道來處理的假說。更進一步來看,語文和非語文路徑在幽默理解上是有整合效果,本研究所提出的雙路徑模式也因此得到支持。最後,我們討論了近年來神經科學在幽默理解方面的研究,以此來支持雙路徑模式,並提出可能的後續研究方向。


High sense of humor makes it possible for us to appreciate the positive side of life, to improve our interpersonal relationship, and even to be used as an index to our mental health (Chapman & Foot, 1996). The literature of humor study has been focused on verbal humor comprehension. Nonverbal information, which is probably as important, has been set aside for quite a long time. Nonverbal cues include facial expression, gestures, pictorial stimuli, tone of voice, etc. The current study was to investigate the role nonverbal cues (using pictorial stimuli in cartoons) play in humor comprehension. We would also discuss the interaction between verbal and nonverbal cues in humor comprehension. A dual processes model was then proposed. Three experiments were conducted. The results showed nonverbal pictorial stimuli can be perceived as humor cues, and different mental imagery experience did induce different degree of humor. Secondly, pictorial cues can be processed by both verbal and nonverbal processes. Furthermore, nonverbal and verbal processes were basically integrated with each other. The dual processes model was then supported. Finally, we discuss how this model can also be supported by recent finding in neuroscience, as well as approach for future study.


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