  • 期刊


Exploring the relationships between high school students' sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sources of sexual knowledge in Taiwan


本研究目的為探討台灣地區高中生性知識來源與性知識、態度之關係。以台灣地區高中學生為研究對象,按各縣市、校數及班級數分層等比方式隨機抽樣,共抽出29所高中學校,最後有效問卷996份,回收率為92.3%。以描述性、t檢定和Mann-Whitney U,檢測基本資料、知識與態度等變項之差異。結果:台灣高中生性知識主要來源為同儕及師長,性知識部份,主要從同儕和師長取得,即便其知識來源廣泛,研究仍顯示高中生對性知識不足,答對率大約五~六成,有疑問會選擇詢問同儕或網路查詢,較少和老師或父母討論性議題。此外研究發現,青少年性知識來源接觸過色情媒體者,對婚前性行為較為開放,但整體而言台灣高中生之性態度是處於保守到中立階段,有性經驗之高中生僅占5.7%。建議:高中生性教育之推廣仍需持續,可善用網路管道以提升學生性傳染病及避孕知識,並且適時加強師生、父母與子女間之性教育溝通互動,以效延遲青少年之性行為、避免未婚生子、墮胎以及傳染性傳染病問題。


高中學生 性知識 性態度


The purposes of this study were to explore the relationships between the sources of sexual knowledge, sexual knowledge, and sexual attitude of high school students in Taiwan. Stratified random sampling method was used to select research objects on the basis of number of schools in each county (or city). A total of 996 effective questionnaires were collected from 29 high schools. The effective response rate was 92.3%. Descriptive statistics, t- test, Mann-Whitney U test were used to analyze the collected data. The major sources of sexual knowledge of high school students in Taiwan are their peer and their teachers. Although there were many sources of sexual knowledge, high school students in Taiwan had poor sexual knowledge. Only about 50% to 60% of high school students could correctly answer the questions. They will usually ask their friends or search on internet to look for answers themselves instead of asking parents or their school teachers. Teenagers ever exposed to pornographic media, are more sexual libertarian in premarital sex. In general, the sexual attitude of high school students in Taiwan are conservative to middle orientation. Only 5.7% of high school students had sexual experiences. We need to promote sex education in high school continuously. Internet is a good tool to elevate students' knowledge of contraception and sexual transmitted diseases. Proper communications about sex education between teachers and students, as well as between teenagers and parents can effectively delay teenagers' sexual behavior, avoid pregnancy, reduce abortions, and decrease sexual transmitted diseases.


