  • 期刊


Playground Accidents Prevention



遊戲場所需提供兒童基本的體能和認知需求,該環境應該是舒適且符合兒童能力發展的。除此之外,此類場所應提供兒童體能和心智上的挑戰。遊戲場所從十九世紀演變至今,大致可分為傳統遊戲場所(traditional playground)、現代化遊戲場所(contemporary playground)、創造性遊戲場所(creative playground)及冒險性遊戲場所(adventure playground)四類。美國公共利益研究小組報告指出,美國每年約有十五萬名兒童因遊戲場所事故傷害被送醫急救,平均每年有十五名兒童死於遊戲場所事故傷害。在遊戲場所受傷送醫案例中,以自遊戲器材墜落地面者最為常見。根據最新統計,我國學前兒童事故傷害死亡原因中,墜落僅次於交通事故佔第二位,因此如何預防墜落為傷害控制的重要課題。避免遊戲場所事故傷害發生,必須由管理(環境)與安全教育(兒童行為)著手。選擇設計良好的遊樂設施和玩具,僅是預防遊戲場所事故傷害的第一步。由高處墜落堅硬地面是導致事故傷害的重要原因,我們可以從提供安全的鋪面材料來加以改善。進戲場所良好的管理和維護,可以減少環境的危險性。然而不能忽略的是,在遊戲場所事故傷害預防中,兒童-始終是我們關心的主要對象,而且遊戲是兒童的天職,因此,成人有義務提供安全遊戲場所、同時也能讓兒童盡情享受遊戲場所的遊戲價值。


Playgrounds must be designed to fulfill children's demands of basic: physical strength and recognition. The playground environment should be comfortable and should be developed according to children's abilities. In addition, it should offer children physical and mental challenges. The first playground was built in the nineteenth century, since then playgrounds have been transformed into four types: traditional playground, , contemporary playground, creative playground, and adventure playground. The U.S. Public Interest Research Group reported in 1998 that in America, around 15,000 children were rushed to the ER (Emergency Room) each year because of the playground injuries. Furthermore, an average of 15 children died each year due to playground accidents. Falling from playground equipment was the common cause of playground injuries. According to the latest vital statistics, falls was the second cause of death for pre-school children in Taiwan, next to traffic accidents. Therefore, the prevention of injuries from falls should be an important issue in injury control. To prevent accidental injury events, playgrounds management (environment) and safety education (children behavior) must be enhanced. Choosing with playground equipment good quality is only the first step of preventing playground accidents. Falling horn a high place to a hard surface is the major cause of injury. The surface can be improved by using safe-material products to cover it. Good playground management and maintenance will also reduce the potential danger. Moreover, it should be realized that playing is children's natural vocation, and it is adults' responsibility to provide a safe playing environment, while at the same time, help children enjoy the values of play.


