  • 期刊


A Study on Pedestrian In-and Outflow Control for Escalators in Mass Rapid Transit Stations of Taipei


大眾捷運系統已成為台北都會區極為重要的交通運輸工具,每日仰賴其通勤的人數眾多,但由於車站內電扶梯空間較為狹窄,行人易在電扶梯移動速度的壓力下產生推擠或跌倒的意外。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試在捷連車站硬體空間不做改變的前提下,針對站內行人流動主要瓶頸處電扶梯,提出上、下游走這人流量的管制策略,期能藉自進、出電扶梯人流量的協調控管,預防電扶梯擁擠的發生。經研究結果發現,在允許電扶梯左側快速通行且右側每階站立1人的情況下,上行電扶梯入、出口走道的寬度,於有佈設動線分隔設施時,至多與至少為6.2 m,於無佈設動線分隔設施時則為4.3m。若進一步考慮行人的最小空間需求,在允許電扶梯左側快速通行旦右側行人隔階站立的情況下,電扶梯入、出口走道的寬度,於有佈設動線分隔設施時,至多與至少縮減為5.1 m,於無佈設動線分隔設施時則縮減為3.5 m。在不允許電扶梯單邊快速通行且每階皆站滿2人的情況下,入、出口走道的寬度,於有佈設動線分隔設施時,至多與至少須縮減為4.4 m,於無佈設動線分隔設施時則須縮減為3.0 m。若進一步考慮行人的最小空間需求,則在電扶梯隔階站滿2人的情況下,電扶梯入、出口走遁的寬度,於有佈設動線分隔設施時,至多與至少須再縮減至2.2 m,於無佈設動線分隔設施時則須再縮減至1.5 m。


The mass rapid transit has become an important transportation facility in Taipei urban area, on which many commuters depend every day. However, owing to relatively limited space available on escalators in the station, congestions often exist and could result in accidents In order to avoid such an accident, this study therefore tries to find protection measures by means of harmonizing the pedestrian flow between the escalator and its connecting walkways up-as well as downstream. The result depicts that in case of allowing passengers to pass the others through the left side of the escalator, the maximum and minimum width of the walkways up-and downstream of the escalator should be 6.2 m under the condition with a guardrail on the walkway to separate the pedestrian in both directions. Nevertheless, the maximum and minimum width of the walkways should be decreased to 4.3 m under the condition without a separation guardrail. In case of not allowing passengers to pass on the escalator and two people standing on each step, the maximum and minimum width should be 4.4 m with a separation guardrail, and 3.0 m without a separation guardrail. The desirable width should be decreased to 2.2 m and 1.5 m if a minimum space requirement for the pedestrian is considered.


mass rapid transit escalator pedestrian flow


