  • 期刊

The Effect of Cultural and Educational Background in the Aesthetic Responses of Website Users



根據研究報告指出關於人類視覺張力的相關刺激,左右人們對於美學感知的抉擇。就網頁視覺設計領域而言,量測視覺張力所構成的因子,有助於預測有效的美感組成元素,以吸引使用者的注意力。 然而,本研究發現:人們對於視覺張力的感知,並非固定或具一致性,而是因人而異。藉由探討使用者美感評價的各項變因,歸納網頁視覺的設計美感影響因素,作為有效傳達與溝通建議之基礎。 本研究取樣自澳洲與台灣兩地,就讀視覺傳達設計與資訊科技系的大學生為調查對象。透過Kress and van Leeuwens(1996)兩位學者所歸納出的四種視覺規範為基礎,作為量測的規範指標,這些規範分別為:技術性規範、感官性規範、抽象性規範與自然主義規範。Cleveland(2005)曾利用這些規範量測雜誌設計的視覺張力。本研究藉由這些規範,建立出關鍵性的因素分析,以探討網頁設計的視覺美感與使用者偏好抉擇的關係。問卷調查以李克10點量表為基礎,量測使用者對於網頁視覺設計感知上的反映回饋。統計結果歸納出兩項主要影響因子,首先是活力的刺激因子,其次為美感訴求因子。這些因子隨文化背景差異與教育背景不同等變因,產生視覺訴求的互異現象,這些結果將作為網頁設計者有效的參考建議。


People continuously make aesthetic choices on the basis of the relative power of visual stimuli. With regard to websites, measuring visual power can be used to predict the effectiveness of aesthetic elements in attracting audience attention. Moreover, research suggests that the perception of visual power is not a fixed or universal response; it varies between people of different backgrounds. This thesis investigates the aesthetic elements that make websites desirable for audiences of different cultural and educational backgrounds, and that enable web pages to better communicate information and affective experience. It tests the visual appeal of websites with groups of university students from the disciplines of Communication Design and Information Technology, and from both Australia and Taiwan, investigating variations in affective responses. The investigation adopts Kress and van Leeuwens' coding orientation for visual modality, that is, abstract coding, naturalistic coding, sensory coding and scientific/technological coding (1996). Cleveland (2005) applies these coding categories to ascertain the visual power of magazine design. The present study applies them to four categories of digital design to establish the key factors leading to website preference or selection. A questionnaire using a 10-point Likert-scale established students' affective responses to the four categories of digital design. The results show that both Dynamic Impact and Aesthetic Appeal emerge as underlying dimensions of visual presentation and that these vary for students of different cultural and educational backgrounds. In measuring and assessing the contribution of web aesthetics to visual appeal, the study serves as a useful reference for website designers.


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