  • 期刊


The Reliabilities and Validities of Assessment Tools for Physical Home Environment for Children Aged 0-3 Years: A Systematic Review


背景與目的:家庭物理環境會影響兒童發展,因此臨床需有家庭物理環境評估量表,本文目的為系統性回顧,整理03歲兒童之家庭物理環境量表及其信效度。方法:搜尋Medline、PubMed、PsycInfo、Web of Science、CEPS及全國碩博士論文資訊網等資料庫;以家庭環境及評估測量相關詞彙搜尋,限制文章類型為綜合分析、系統性回顧或方法學研究,選取有全文之英/中文文獻。結果:共有「嬰幼兒版之家庭環境觀察評估量表」(IT-HOME)、嬰兒版或幼兒版「認知刺激之家庭環境問卷」(StimQ)、「動作發展-家庭環境之行動機會訊息量表」(AHEMD-SR)、「兒童家庭環境支持與刺激之回顧觀察量表」(PROCESS)、與「0-3歲家庭環境篩檢量表」(HSQ)五種量表。其皆具適當之內部一致性與再測信度。除HSQ外,其餘四量表有因素分析之建構效度,總量表皆有中等以上聚斂效度。信效度資料以IT-HOME、幼兒版StimQ及HSQ較完整。結論:文獻回顧得五個家庭物理環境評估量表,部分信效度尚待建立,其中僅兩量表具研究用中文版,仍需進一步研究,以增加其臨床應用性。


家庭物理環境 量表 信度 效度


Background and purposes: The influence of the physical home environment on children’s development has been confirmed recently. To measure the physical environment of the child during early life, we need reliable and valid assessment tools in order to provide early childhood intervention or health promotion. The purposes of this article were to systematically review the tools for physical home environment for children aged 0-3 years, and to summarize the reliability and validity information of these measures. Methods: Searches of electronic databases, including the Medline, PubMed, PsycInfo, Web of Science, CEPS, and Electronic Thesis and Dissertations System were undertaken. The selection criteria of the literature were: research type (meta-analysis, systematic review, and methodology study), language (English or Chinese), and full text. Results: 5 measures were identified: The Infant/Toddler version of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment Inventory (IT-HOME), StimQ Cognitive Home Environment, Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development Self Report 18-42 months (AHEMD-SR-18-42mo), The Pediatric Review and Observation of Children’s Environmental Support and Stimulation (PROCESS), Home Screening Questionnaire (HSQ). Among them, AHEMD-SR-18-42mo contains more items related to physical home environment. Seventeen articles provided the psychometric property data. All 5 measures demonstrate appropriate internal consistency and test-retest reliabilities. Only IT-HOME and StimQ-T provide information concerning inter-rater reliabilities. According to factor analysis, 4 measures except HSQ have appropriate construct validity. Most measures have acceptable convergent validities except for few subscales. Conclusion: 5 measures are available in the literature to measure the physical home environment for children less than 3 years of age. The psychometric properties of some measures are still inadequate. Only 2 measures were translated to Mandarin for research purposes. For clinical use in the Mandarin speech area, the measures for physical home environment still need further study.
