  • 期刊


Understanding the Relationship between Baseball Fans' Involvement and Their Needs for Quality Sport Facilities and Services


本研究欲了解職棒現場球迷之涉入程度(involvement)對球場設施環境與服務品質需求的影響。許多研究指出,球場設施環境與服務品質是影響觀眾到現場看球的重要因素之一。本研究之架構是以Wakefield和Sloan (1996)提出之運動設施相度(Sportscape)及Josiam (1998)提出的個人涉入量表(Personal Involvement Inventory, PII)為主,研究對象為中華職棒14年總冠軍賽第五場及第六場之現場觀眾,共573名,以「職棒球迷對球場設施環境與服務品質需求調查問卷」為研究工具進行調查,所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗和雙因子變異數分析(two-way ANOVA)等統計方法進行分析,結果發現:(一)高度涉入的球迷對球場設施環境與服務品質需求依序為球賽現場氣氛、交通便利及停車方便;中度涉入的球迷為球賽現場氣氛、門票價格及購票方式,(二)主場球迷與客場球迷的涉入程度沒有差異,(三)主客場球迷對於球場設施環境與服務品質需求並沒有顯著的差異,及(四)比較不同支持的球隊與不同球場的觀眾對球場設施環境與服務品質的需求:「交通便利」、「購票方便性」,天母球場球迷的需求高於澄清湖球場的球迷;「停車方便」、「球場促銷活動」、「球場景觀設計」及「球場大螢幕」,澄清湖球場的球迷高於天母球場的球迷,在統計分析上達顯著差異。從本研究得知,職棒現場球迷對球場設施環境與服務品質的需求相當高;而實務的應用面來說,職業棒球的經營者可從本研究得知,設施維護的投資及服務品質的提升,應可以為職業棒球之經營創造更多的附加價值。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between fan involvement and spectators' needs for quality sport facilities and services. Several studies have indicated that both facilities and services quality were important factors influencing a spectator's intention to support a team and attend sporting events. This study was based on Wakefield and Sloan's (1996) hypothesized model of Sportscape and Josiam's (1998) Personal Involvement Inventory (PII). This research was conducted during games five and six of the 2003 Chinese Professional Baseball League (CBPL) series using convenience sampling. The sample included 573 participants. Primary findings were: (a) highly involved fans gave higher ratings to atmosphere of the game and stadium access, while fans who were not highly involved gave higher ratings to atmosphere of the game, pricing, and ticketing service. (b) fans of both the home and visiting teams exhibited a similar level of involvement. (c) fans of both home and visiting teams showed no significant difference in their needs for quality facilities and services. (d) spectators from different teams or stadiums had no significant interaction between the factors of quality sport facilities and services. According to the findings of this study, spectators seek high quality sport facilities and services. Therefore, owners of professional baseball teams may create more profit by enhancing the service quality and the physical environment of the stadium to ensure that spectators have an enjoyable trip to the ballpark and a desire to return.


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