  • 期刊


Effect of Complex Training on Lower Body Strength, Speed and Power in Basketball Players


本研究目的在比較6週不同實施順序之複合式訓練對大學籃球運動員下肢肌力(1RM半蹲舉、角速度600•S^(-1)時膝伸、屈肌最大力矩)、爆發力(原地垂直跳、原地擺臂垂直跳及落地垂直跳)及速度(28m衝刺跑)之影響。方法是以中國文化大學20名甲一級男子籃球運動代表隊(平均年齡19±1.5歲、身高181.1±9.18公分、體重80.0±12.97公斤、最大攝氧量57.0±6之7ml•min^(-1)•k)為研究對象。隨機分成先實施重量訓練後實施增強式訓練之WP組及先實施增強式訓練後實施重量訓練之PW組共二組,展開為期6週,每週2次,每次60分鐘之複合式訓練,再於6週後施予後測。所得資料以單因子共變數分析(one-way ANC○VA),分析不同複合式訓練實施順序,對下肢最大肌力、爆發力及速度之影響及以t檢定比較訓練前後之差異情形,並以α=.05為顯著水準。結果發現:6週複合式訓練後1RM半蹲舉(195.3±24.16vs.235.3±18.47kg)、60°•s^(-1),時膝屈肌最大力矩(171.4±46.4 vs.205.7±20.46N•m)、28公尺衝刺跑(4.13±.20 vs.4.07±.19sec)、原地垂直跳(44.6±4.53vs. 47.7±6.14cm)、原地擺臂垂直跳(51.4±4.39 vs.54.7±6.09cm)及落地垂直跳(44.7±5.28vs.47.9±6.09cm)測驗均有顯著進步(p<.05),但兩組訓練方法間並無顯著差異存在。結論:6週複合式訓練不論實施順序均可顯著提升大學籃球運動員之下肢肌力、速度及爆發力且實施順序間並無差異存在。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 6 weeks complex training with different training order on the maximum lower body strength (half-squat, peak torque of knee extension and flexion measured in isokinetic test with angular velocity set at 60°•S^(-1)), power (static jump, counter movement jump & drop jump) and speed (28 meter sprint) among collegiate basketball athletes. Twenty Division-I male basketball players (aged: 19 ± 1.5 yr, height: 181.1 ± 9.18cm, weight: 80.0 ± 12.97kg, VO2max: 57.0 ± 6.27ml•min^(-1)•kg^(-1)) were randomly assigned into WP (weight training followed by plyometric training) and PW (plyometric training followed by weight training) groups. Both groups received two 60-min training sessions per week for 6 weeks. Pre and post test were carried out before and after 6 weeks complex training. Data were analyzed by using one-way ANCOVA with α level set at .05. The results indicated that after 6 weeks complex training, both groups revealed significant improvement in 1RM half-squat (195.3 ± 24.16 vs. 235.3 ± 18.47kg), knee flexor at 60°•S^(-1) peak torque (171.4 ± 46.4 vs. 205.7 ± 20.46 N•m), 28 m dash (4.13 ± .20 vs. 4.07 ± .19 sec), static jump (44.6 ± 4.53 vs. 47.7 ± 6.14 cm), counter movement jump (51.4 ± 4.39 vs. 54.7 ± 6.09 cm) and drop jump (44.7 ± 5.28 vs. 47.9 ± 6.09 cm) (p < .05). No significant difference was found between WP and PW. In conclusion, regardless of training order, complex training improved lower body strength, speed and power in basketball players.


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