  • 期刊


Visual Search Strategy of Penalty Kick Defense in Soccer Goalkeeper


本研究目的為探討足球守門員於防守罰球點球時視覺搜索的關鍵區域。在研究方法上使用遠距測量眼動技術以及測力板,捕捉防守時的凝視軌跡與撲球動作時機,實驗取樣大專足球聯賽第一級(優秀組)與第三級(一般組)球隊守門員各10名進行比較,於實驗室觀看射門影片並判斷來球方向且實際撲出,每次由兩名參與者同時進行,依照在罰球點踢球規則輪流撲救十球直至分出勝負,所得資料以卡方同質性檢定及獨立樣本t檢定處理。研究結果如下:一、優秀組撲救成功率顯著高於一般組;二、成功撲救時視覺關注於關鍵區域的比例也顯著高於預測方向錯誤情況;三、優秀組於罰球員助跑時主要凝視於支撐腳與腳即將觸球的區域(23.8%, 14.6%),平均在罰球員腳觸及球前416毫秒時決定動作方向,比一般組的576毫秒啟動時間更晚,但兩組未達顯著差異。本研究結論為在罰球員助跑時期保持專注力為成功撲救要素,前線索搜索可透過觀察罰球員的支撐腳與踢球腳,或預先將視線停留在腳將觸球的空間,但也需具備迅捷的撲救動作以爭取搜索前線索的時間,建議在防守練習上可使用多媒體提高情境下的擬真性,以訓練並提升判斷方向預測經驗。


眼動儀 前線索 預判 撲救


The purpose of this study was to investigate the area of interest of goalkeepers when defending against kicks from the penalty mark. A remote eye-tracking device and two force plates were used to capture the fixation track and timing of soccer ball diving motions when goalkeepers defend. Ten participants were selected for comparison from grade-1 university soccer league (elite group) and grade-3 university soccer league (ordinary group). The participants watched shooting video in the laboratory, decided the direction of ball and made actual diving action. Two participants from the same group took turns to dive for 10 times of ball shooting in accordance with the official rule of kicking from the penalty mark. Chi-square test for homogeneity and independent sample t test were used. Findings indicated that: 1. The success rate of the elite group for ball diving was significantly higher than the ordinary group. 2. In successful ball diving, the proportion of visual concern over area of interest was also significantly higher than that of wrong direction prediction in elite group. 3. Elite group players mainly gazed at the non-kicking leg and the leg area to kick the ball (23.8%, 4.6%) during running up. On average, before kick off the ball, elite players used 416 ms in deciding which side to dive, which was shorter than the ordinary players, who used 576 ms. However, the differences were not statistically significant different. These data indicates that during the running up, maintenance of concentration is the factor affecting successful soccer ball diving. Pre-cues can be searched based on the observation on players' kicking and non-kicking leg; or on the area before kicking the ball in advance. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to possess rapid diving technique to strive the time for searching pre-cues. During defense practice, it is suggested that multimedia system can be included to increase the reality simulation to train and improve experience of prediction the ball direction.


eye movement pre-cues anticipation ball dive


張生平(2007)。2006 年世界盃足球賽罰球點球之分析(碩士論文)。國立體育學院教練研究所。
