  • 期刊


Journals for the Journey: A Window to Preservice Teachers' Gender Consciousness


本研究採用札記寫作的方式,探討修習性別教育課程對師院生性別意識開展與形塑的影響。在性別教育課堂上,修課學生每個星期繳交一篇針對閱讀心得、或上課內容、或個人經驗反思的札記,目的是希望她/他們能以札記寫作為媒介,回顧其性別養成經驗,以新學知識檢視個人經驗,反省其中的困境與尋求出路。本研究的進行有助於提昇對於師院生性別意識形塑和覺醒歷程的瞭解,以及札記寫作如何在其中扮演媒介角色。 從閱讀和分析中發現,修課學生性別意識的開展以多種樣貌和步調呈現。有些學生總是只以性別刻板印象詮釋日常生活中的性別現象;有些學生則在對事件的評論中,顯示其性別敏感度;有些學生以生命經驗當成分析的文本,從中察覺與思辯性別意識型態的影響;有些學生開始在生活中嘗試撐出一些空間,採取一些改變的行動策略。從期初到期末,多數學生從只著重在自己性別經驗的描述或故事的敘說,慢慢的能以閱讀的文本和上課討論為分析的架構,意識到權力結構、性別經驗與主體的複雜關係。然而,不論學生的性別意識開展與呈現的樣貌為何,抗拒、矛盾和掙扎的意圖和情感都曾在札記中出現。


Gender equity education is one of the major issues in recent Taiwan educational reform movement. While more and more researchers claim that teacher education should pay attention to facilitating preservice teachers to develop gender-sensitive literacy, little is known about the impact of taking gender equity education course on their gender consciousness. The purpose of this study is to use journal writing to inquire teachers college students' development of gender consciousness through the gender equity education course. The writing of journals appears to have been an important way of women's ways of learning From journal writing, it is hoped that teachers college students make connections between their existing knowledge and newly learnt knowledge, recognize diverse social identities to reconfigure existing social boundaries, and develop a language of critique and possibility. From the analysis of the journals, four themes are generated. First, the students experienced anxiety and contradiction when they first encountered feminist discourses in the classroom. Second, through the course, most of the students started re-examining and re-interpreting what was happening in everyday life from feminist perspectives. As they engaged in these activities, they continued to shape their gender identities. Third, some of the students tried to bring their gender consciousness into actions, both in public issues and personal events. Finally, there still a few students refused to see gender inequity as socially constructed and remained fixated on individual reasons throughout the whole course period.


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Lien-Jen Hwu、Hsiang-Chu Pai(2023)。Effects of Gender Equity Education on Gender Stereotypes, Gender Role Attitudes, and Gender Awareness通識教育實踐與研究(33),1-30。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=P20190103001-N202308030014-00001
