  • 期刊

Analyzing the Multiple Forms of Stereotypical Responses for One Student with Multiple Disabilities




The current study included two experiments that functionally analyzed stereotypical behaviors. An analogue functional analysis was used in Experiment 1 to detect the function of one student's stereotypical licking fingers and covering eyes which might serve to escape from task demands, obtain attention from others, or produce sensory self-stimulation. An analysis of sensory modalities was conducted in Experiment 2 to further analyze the possible sensory consequences causing this student's stereotypies. Results of the present study demonstrated sensory sources of reinforcement were a determinant of finger-licking stereotypical behavior in this student. The specific sensory function of his licking stereotypy may be maintained by tactile stimulation. In contrast, no definite reinforcing source was identified in his eye-covering stereotypy. Finally, some suggestions for future researches were provided.


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