  • 期刊


The 2007(superscript th) Speech and Hearing Manpower and Critical Lssues in Taiwan


國人聽語人力資源牽涉聽語專業發展,自民國75年起幾乎每隔三至六年均由中華民國聽語學會進行調查與資料分析,至今年有必要進行五年一度的聽語人力資源調查。本年度調查重點包括當今聽語人力分資源分析、聽語服務量與障礙類型現況、現階段聽語專業的願景之迫切性項目等以提供聽語人員參考,並提供聽語學會的施政目標。本研究採用問卷調查,樣本為中華民國聽語學會正會員、相關會員、學生暨現職人員。本調查研究結果總計回收問卷為372份,而實際有效樣本計聽力師96人、語言治療師223人。結果顯示,九十六年聽語人力資源聽力師佔28.4%、語言治療師佔66.9%、聽語治療師佔4.7%,其中男性10.4%、女性為89.6%;而聽力師與語言治療師平均年齡34.7歲、32.7歲。聽力師學歷以大學教育、專科教育為主;語言治療師則以大學教育、研究所教育為主。聽力師的專業教育以護理系背景最高、國內外聽語科系所次之;語言治療師則以國內外聽語科系所最高、護理系次之。聽力師工作所屬單位以耳鼻喉部最高80.2%、 語言治療師則以復健部最高71.2%。聽力師工作總年資平均是9.79年、語言治療師則是5.83年。工作地點均以北部都會區最高;而四成聽力師薪資介於三萬至四萬元;而近五成語言治療師則在四萬至五萬元。近四成聽語人員曾轉換過工作。現階段聽語服務個案量與來源資料顯示,聽力師每週平均有12.26人、語言治療師有l2.54人山醫療專業人員轉介、而自行求診者,聽力師每週有24.1人、語言治療師有9.67人。“成本效益回收”觀點,聽力師認為每週個案量是48.7人次、語言治療師則是55.83人;“服務品質”觀點而言,聽力師認為每週個案量是36.96人次、語言治療師則認為是44.89人。聽語障礙個案類型與服務資料中,聽力師前五名是成人聽障評估、兒童聽障評估、電生理評估、平衡系統評估、助聽器選配;而語言治療師前五名是語言發展遲緩、構音障礙、自閉症溝通障礙、神經性吞嚥障礙、失語症。聽力師最常見個案年齡層者為18至60歲成人個案、語言治療師則為三至六歲個案。個案所使用語言,兩者的前三類是國語、台語、客語。三成五的聽力師認為撿查工作是最大的服務型態、四成五的語言治療師則認為治療為首要處置。個案流失因素結果顯示,聽力師認為個案沒有時間、及轉至其他醫院為首;而語言治療師則以個案沒有時間、及覺得無效為主。當今聽語專業最關鍵議題顯示聽語師法立法、專業知識的再教育、聽語服務的醫療或教育給付、專業自主性、薪資、聽語專業知識交流與推廣等議題。本問卷資料分析提供當今聽語人力資料庫、聽語服務現況、及目前聽語學會迫切的工作指標。


The speech and hearing manpower and workforce in Taiwan involves professional development. Since 1986, there have been on-going investigations by the Speech-Language-Hearing Association in Republic of China on the Manpower and service of speech and hearing professionals every three to five years. Three parts of the 2007th survey were included; Workforce background information, speech and hearing manpower resource and service, and critical issues faced by the manpower. In this report, three aims focus 1) the demographic background of the 2007th speech and hearing workforce, 2) speech and hearing caseload and management, and 3)current critical issues faced by these manpower. A questionnaire survey was carried out among 722 current members of the Association. The results indicated 372 members with returned questionnaires serve a valid sample. Among them, 28.4% were hearing professionals, 66.9% were speech language professionals, 10.4% with dual professions. Male to female sex ratio was 10.4% to 89.6%, the mean age of hearing professionals and speech language professionals were 34.7 years and 32.7 years respectively. University and junior college was the major educational background of hearing professionals; in contrast, the university degree and the graduate school degree were the major education for speech language professionals. 80.2% of hearing professionals worked under the department of otolarynglolgy, however, 71.2% of speech language professionals worked under the department of rehabilitation. The mean age of working years for hearing professionals was 9.79 years, whereas, 5.83 working years for speech language professionals. The highest density of the workforce was in the northern urban area. The monthly income of 40% of hearing professionals was between thirty to fourty thousands NT, whereas, fourty to fifty thousands NT for 50% speech language professionals. In addition, 40% of speech and hearing manpower had been changed their jobs. The caseload result showed that there were 12.26 clients and 12.54 clients referred from other professionals in the healthcare facilities for hearing and speech language professionals respectively. The number of client self referral were 24.1/persons for hearing and 9.67/persons for speech language professionals respectively. The weekly caseload for hearing professionals were 18.7/clients and 55.83/clients for speech language professionals on the case management accountability; however, the reasonable caseload of quality service were 36.96/clients for hearing professionals and 44.89/clients for speech and language professionals. Regarding communicative disorders, top five of disorders to hearing professionals were the hearing evaluation for adults, children, electrophysiology, balancing disorders, and hearing aid respectively; whereas, top five disorders to speech therapists were disorders of child language, articulation, autism, neurogenic disorders, aphasia. The most popular client age among hearing services was the adult age between 18 to 60; while the clients with the age between 3-6 was the popular clients served by speech and language professionals. The popular languages used during service were mandarin, Taiwanese, and Haka respectively, Hearing assessment as well as communication disorders intervention were the primary case management t those two professionals. Case loss factors included no time for intervention, case transferred to other health related facilities, and no treatment efficacy among two professionals. The most critical issues in 2007 for Taiwan speech and hearing manpower included licensure, on-job professional training, the fees of Medicare and educational services, professional autonomy, salary, promote and exchange professional knowledge. The implications of this survey can provide the current information of Taiwan speech and hearing manpower resources and professional services. The priority of current critical issues should be goals to be accomplished for the Speech, Language and Hearing Association-in Republic of China.




