  • 期刊


Bibliothèque Sino - Internationale Genève and the Orient et Occident




The Bibliothèque Sino-Internationale Genève was an important oversea cultural agency established by the government of the Republic of China in the 1930s. However, little research has been done on its history. Furthermore, the current understanding of the library is often based on anecdotal accounts of Li Shizeng and Xiao Yu. Many existing impressions of the library are distorted and incorrect. This study employs firsthand materials including chronicles, diaries, newspapers, and other archival resources to reconstruct the history of the library and its major publication, the Orient et Occident.


Books and Articles Received. (1937). Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 2(1), 138-140.
Bulling, A. (1937). Die ostasiatische Architektur von der Han-Zeit bis zum Ende der T'ang-Zeit. Artibus Asiae, 7(1/4), 261-264.
Yuan, T. L. (1964). A guide to doctoral dissertations by Chinese students in continental Europe, 1907-1962. Taipei: Chinese Cultural Research Institure.
二十六年度中央教育文化費支配總算四千五百八十八萬餘元[Er shi liu nian du zhong yang jiao yu wen hua fei zhi pei zong suan si qian wu bai ba shi ba wan yu yuan](1937年7月7日1937, July 7)。申報Shun Pao,第19張p. 19。
中央政治會議函為核定日內瓦中國國際圖書館追加21年度5、6兩月份暨22年度全年補助費歲出經常概算令仰轉飭遵照由[Zhong yang zheng zhi hui yi han wei he ding Ri Nei Wa Zhong Guo guo ji tu shu guan zhui jia 21 nian du 5, 6 liang yue fen ji 22 nian du quan nian bu zhu fei sui chu jing chang gai suan ling yang zhuan chi zun zhao you](1934年3月8日1934, March 8)。國民政府公報[Guo Min Zheng Fu Gong Bao],1381,8。
