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A Study of Community Residents' Attitudes on the Impact of Urban Tourism: A Case Study from Anping District in Tainan City


本文旨在探討台南市安平區居民對於延平街、古堡街與安平路所帶來的都市觀光之衝擊的態度。基於Ashworth、Haywood、Van der Borg、Gilbert與Clark等諸位學者所主張的“都市觀光與社區生活空間之間的和諧一致”的觀點,本文以“都市觀光與社區關係”為切入點,探討安平社區居民對都市觀光所產生的各種衝擊的態度反應。採用的研究方法主要有三種:理論與文獻回顧、問卷調查、實地調查。其中,問卷調查有效樣本共計206份,成為本文資料分析與解釋的資料來源。回顧有關都市觀光對社區的衝擊的文獻知,在國外,自從1970年代早期開始,已經有若干學者從不同領域的觀點進行研究。然而,在國內,在觀光衝擊方面的研究,相對上則較少,尤其像安平區這種文化觀光的地區。因此,為了強化國內觀光衝擊領域的研究,乃成為本文的主要動機與目的。 本文將都市觀光衝擊分成(1)經濟的、(2)社會的、(3)文化的、(4)實質環境與生態、以及(5)一般的認知等五個類型,共計31個題項,由實際居住在安平的居民,針對因三條傳統商店街與鄰近古蹟區的文化觀光與古蹟旅遊活動對於社區所產生的衝擊,自很同意、同意、沒有意見、不同意、很不同意等五個尺度中進行勾選,以作為態度分析的依據。研究結果發現,在經濟的衝擊方面,居民的態度絕大多數是正面的,包括:增加就業機會、提升生活水準、不會增加生活成本、未造成地價上漲、當地居民從觀光收益中獲利等。在社會的衝擊方面,居民的態度反應則以負面的居多,包括:觀光逐漸讓居民購物變的不愉快、觀光與犯罪率增加有關連、觀光造成社區的過度擁擠,只有在居民的購物機會增加一項的反應是正面。在文化的衝擊方面,與經濟衝擊的反應相同,絕大多數是正面的。在實質環境與生態的衝擊方面,居民對三項有關實質環境指標的反應是負面的,包括:社區環境的破壞、雜亂、與交通擁擠,居民對三項有關生態指標的反應,則是正負面相當,包括:自然美景的維護、海邊運河與河流的污染、公園遭受破壞。最後,在一般認知方面,安平居民覺得觀光發展讓人在當地生活變得比以前不舒適;另外,居民普遍認知到:在未來,當地政府或有關單位應該設法限制觀光客人數,以免造成社區的過度擁擠。同時,本文亦針對未來安平的觀光政策,提供若干更務實且有趣的方向。


This study is to explore the community residents' attitudes toward urban tourism impact in the traditional Anping district where Yenping Street (延平街), Fort Street(古堡街) and Anping Road (安平路) are located in Tainan city in Taiwan. This study accepts the perspective of ”the harmony and oneness between urban tourism and community life and space” proposed by Ashworth, Haywood, Van der Borg, Gilbert and Clark. And, we attempt to investigate the traditional Anping community residents' attitudes toward urban tourism from the viewpoint of the concepts of ”urban tourism-community relations”. Three major research methods are applied, including related theories and literature review, empirical study (data collecting, questionnaire, field survey) and analysis and interpretation. Questionnaire is administered to 206 valid samples of community residents. The study of the impact of tourism on communities has been occupied by theorists and researchers from a broad range of disciplines since the early 1970s. As a result of the extent of tourism impact literature is both expansive and diverse. However, a review of the literature reveals a limited amount of published material related to impacts on urban area in Taiwan, especially in cultural tourism area such as Anping district in Tainan city. This study divides urban tourism impact into five types including economic, social, cultural, physical/ecological and general perception, allows for an analysis which concludes with the types of impacts that residents perceive bases upon cultural tourist activities acted in three traditional shopping streets and neighboring ancient heritage sites in Anping district. The findings of this study indicate that some tourism impact criteria resident response within Anping community center with a higher level of tourism development are negative, although other are positive. In the meantime, the results of this study reveal a number of interesting possibilities regarding perceptions of urban impact.


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Ashworth, G. J.(1991).Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management.London:University of Surrey/Belhaven.


