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Study of Renewal Policy Orientation for Vulnerable Community: The Case Study of Taipei Resettled Housing Community


關心弱勢社區的都市更新議題乃符合「人居議程」(Habitat Agenda)中可持續發展的行動計畫,由於臺北市整建住宅的特徵與背景符合弱勢社區的特性,使成爲歷任台北市市長關心的議題,也就成爲政府推動都市更新的重要指標。因此,本文嘗試以台北市整宅社區作爲弱勢社區案例,進一步釐清弱勢社區的政策目標,以作爲後續推動整宅以及弱勢社區都市更新政策推動的參考。台北市整建住宅是民國五十二至六十二年間所興建的低收入住宅,主要爲安置公共工程拆遷戶,當時清除了市中心區許多的貧民窟,並改善了市容觀瞻,因此,當時被政府視爲重要的住宅政策。隨著都市社經環境的變遷,現況的高密度小空間、環境窳陋髒亂、土地產權複雜、社經背景屬低階層等特徵,又成爲台北市的「新貧民窟」。對於整建住宅的弱勢住戶而言,首要應先確立更新重建的政策思維,經參考國外的文獻,針對老舊窳陋住宅更新問題核心乃在於財產權、財產價值與實質屬性,並著重實質環境、經濟、社會等層面共同推動,以達到整建住宅的更新重建的目標。而當前弱勢社區更新政策目標主要偏重於公共利益方面。在確立弱勢社區更新政策思維之後,本文嘗試以「住者適其屋」作爲弱勢社區更新政策取向。案例分析中嘗試以「所得分級」模擬整宅更新之最適容積。透過將全市住戶之居住面積分5級,並可將整宅住戶面積歸屬於第一級(最低級),可在策略上將整宅居住面積水準提升一級,到達第2級上限,以改善其居住環境。


It is a sustainable development action plan to care for the issues of urban renewal in vulnerable community, which is conformed to Habitat Agenda. Because of the characteristic and background of Taipei Resettled Housing is alike with vulnerable community's, this article attempts to take Taipei Resettled Housing as an example to clarify policy goal of vulnerable community. ”Taipei Resettled Housing” is the housing constructed for low-income citizens, built by Taipei city government from 1963 to 1973. At that time many slums were eliminated in downtown area, and the city's landscape were improved, therefore, to build Resettled Housing is regarded as the important housing policy by the government. Along with the metropolis, social and environmental vicissitude, the characteristic (the high density, the environment old dirty chaotic, the land property right is complex, low classes) causes into Taipei ”the new slum”. This article tries to analyze its differences between the backgrounds of Taipei Resettled Housing renewal from the time it was built to the time it will be rebuilt. Furthermore, after establishing Taipei Resettled Housing policy goal, we can take it for the reference in the following impetus. Regarding Vulnerable Community, the cores of renewal questions lie in the property rights, the property value and the physical attribute. The goals of Vulnerable Community renewal policy include: 1) Preventing the segregation of the lower classes, 2) Working simultaneously for economic development and social equity, 3) Regeneration through partnerships, 4) A gradual, soft approach, 5) Differential treatment of different deteriorated residential areas. After further inspect, these policy goals mainly focus on public interest aspect. The reward of floor area ratio (FAR) is one of operational tools which the present metropolis renews. The case analysis tries to use ”income level” to simulate the most suitable volume of Taipei Resettled Housing. Differentiates 5 ranks of floor space standard in the inhabitants, inhabitant area of Taipei Resettled Housing belongs to the first level. Taking the strategy of upgrading a rank of floor space standard, Taipei Resettled Housing will arrive at upper limit of the 2nd level and its environment quality will be improved.


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袁增嘉(2016)。弱勢者對住宅補貼政策選擇之研究 -以臺中市為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0301974
