  • 期刊


The Relations between Doctoral Study and Employee Training of Civil Servants-An Example of NKNU


大學職員屬於公務體系,進修學術學位與人員訓練發展是否有所差異?進修博士學位,是因為工作上的需要,或是受到大學環境刺激使然?對組識發展是否有所貢獻?作者為探究上述目的,針對某大學進修博士學位的職員,提出上述相關問題進行訪談,並將訪談結果進行整理與討論,歸納出以下各項: 個人進修博士學位所學之學術課程,和公務人員訓練側重知能及辦事的技術方法,有所不同。 受訪者進修博士學位是為了自我發展或生涯規劃,也可在學術環境中獲得隸屬與尊重,並為未來生涯改變作準備。 個人進修有助提升人力素質及工作知能,學校可以充分調配人力,予以適才適所,即使另有高就,也已刺激組織內人員的升遷機會與活力,帶動人力資源的發展。 學校組織環境對行政人員的進修有很大影響,但公務人員保障制度及退休金福利對公務人員之生涯轉換具有決定性影響。


Why some university staff, civil servants, get in on doctoral program? What's the difference and relations between doctoral study and employee training? Can they contribute to organization after studying? For the purpose, this study interviewed those who are in-serving NKNU and join a doctoral program, and then put the interview result as follows: It's different between academic program and employee training. The latter emphasizes on administrative knowledge and methods. Joining a doctoral program is not for job requirement but self and career development, also wining more respect from others and preparing for career and life change. It's helpful for human resources development. The school can reallocate manpower, or even the civil servant leaves current position after earns doctoral degree, but have stimulated the personnel's development. Organization has great influence to staff to get in on an academic program, and civil servant's welfare and pension system are key factors influence civil servant career changing decision.


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