  • 期刊


A Study on the Quantitative Description of Product Styles-with Sedans as a Case Study




Products on the market have various forms with different styles. The theme on how to classify and describe them quantitatively is indeed worth exploring in the field of design. This paper compiles 40 side view pictures of recent year sedans and converts them into digital files. The key dimensions and angles of the cars in the pictures are then measured according to productometry, a technique for measuring products. A total of 40 subjects are then asked to divide the 40 car pictures into groups in terms of shape similarity, and select adjectives, from a given set, to best describe each car group. A cluster analysis reveals that, there are 4 major clusters of the car shapes. For each cluster, the car which has a least average dissimilarity to all other cars in the cluster is then identified as the typical car of the cluster. At the same time, the corresponding key curves of the car contours in the same cluster are gathered, their coordinates scatter plotted, and a regression curve calculated by regression analysis. By combining the regression curves and average dimensions and angles obtained from productometry in each cluster, an average contour shape of each car cluster can be constructed, which is then pasted with the picture image of the typical car of the same cluster. The resulted car image is then treated as a prototype car of this cluster. Conceptually, a prototype car can be considered as the representative model of its respective cluster both in shape and in image. Luxury, elegance, and dynamism are the three main factors found by factor analysis of the 21 image words used to describe the car shapes. The 40 cars are cluster analyzed again both in the image space of the original 21 image words and in the image space of the condensed three factors, resulting 3 and 4 clusters respectively. By synthesizing all the three clustering results in this research into a final classification of the cars, five independent car styles can be identified: cute, luxurious, compact, elegant, and aerodynamic.


