  • 期刊

Operation Follows Meanings-以雙重隱喻之燈具探索語意式操作脈絡

Operation Follows Meanings-A Case Study on the Lamp Design with Double Metaphors and Motion Semantics


面對設計研究領域中,漸受矚目的動作語意(Motion Semantics)研究趨勢,本文以紮根理論(Grounded Theory)進行個案研究,以具備兩種隱喻(奶瓶、保險套)的燈具進行訪談,透過編碼處理,歸納得出此燈具案例操作脈絡之五大要素:形貌、社會情感、操作、功用,市場,並以操作為核心來建構操作脈絡。本文假設造形細節有助於猜想可能的動作,進而了解意義,或者反向操弄,以非預期的動作可引起使用者的注意。在此假設下,本研究初步獲知在雙重隱喻的案例中,動作語意對同一件產品,不但有助於理解產品意義,同時以非預期的動作來引起驚奇的效應;最後,本文亦闡述了造形與動作的語意關聯,以及非預期動作和雙重隱喻造形對語意式操作脈絡的影響,以個案特徵對動作語意進行質性分析。


In this case study, Grounded Theory in qualitative research methods is applied to collect, decode and induce the data to uncover the effects of motion semantics and form on product design. It hypothesizes that it's possible for users to expect the potential operations via the details of form and to understand the meanings inferred from operations, as well as to evoke their attentions by the unexpected operation. A mood lamp owning the character of motion semantics with two metaphorical forms is used to conduct semi-structured interviews. The outcome of coding can be induced into five categories: (1) appearance (2) social emotion (3) operation (4) function (5) market. After constructing the whole context by taking ”operation” as core category, it demonstrates that motion semantics is not only helpful for users to comprehend the meaning of products but also useful for designers to appropriately adopt unexpected operations for upholding the level of users' attentions. Furthermore, it expounds the story composed of metaphorical forms and operation as well as the effect of unexpected operations and double metaphors upon the overall context.


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