  • 期刊


Influence of Product Form Attributes on Visual Complexity and Consumer Preferences




Product attributes directly influence the visual complexity of appearance, and indirectly affect the consumer preferences and purchase intention via the response of consumer's visual perception. This research chose electrical kettle from the electric appliance industry as an example, in a hope to understand the various factors affecting product visual complexity, and to explore its relationship with consumer preferences. This study began by exploring the relevant literature on product visual complexity and asked senior industrial designers to do a product grouping on the 56 electric kettle samples collected. Through cluster analysis, four typical products types were produced; furthermore, morphological analysis was used to describe those characteristic factors with hierarchical structure to define the product form attributes and standards. As for samples of products' overall outline constructed using 3D visual simulation, they were used to investigate the consumer's level of acceptance of the new product form preferences and complexity, while conjoint analysis was applied to obtain the part-worth and relative importance of each attribute and level. The research outcome shows that the relative importance of consumer's attribute preference was form 36.70%, material 22.13%, color 29.67%, and texture 11.50%; for visual complexity, form was 45.45%, material 21.39%, color 21.72%, and texture 11.45%. The correlation between product visual complexity and preference was a negative one, indicating a product with low visual complexity is more favorable among consumers, and a product with high degree of visual complexity is not welcomed. Such effective product design and development model can facilitate the planning department of a company in developing product positioning, market segmentation, marketing strategy, and effectively improve operational performance. Based on the study with understanding the product visual complexity on consumer preferences, designers can accurately manage the relative importance and part-worth of product's visual attributes and levels.


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