  • 期刊


The Acknowledgment of Reality


常人只能通過感覺通道接受外部世界的信息,感覺以外的一切是永遠不能直接了知的。所以,外部世界相當於內部世界中的一個黑箱,常人的認識過程本質上是根據這個黑箱的輸出(即感覺信息)採用假設檢驗方法建構黑箱模型的過程。人們所知覺到的外部世界其實是根據感覺信息建構的一個模型,感覺之外的一切是否是人們知覺到的那個樣子,這個問題在常人是永遠沒有答案的。  真實的認識應該是不包含任何假設的,常人的認識中,只有直接覺知到的感覺經驗本身和思維過程本身可以達到這個標準。通過「思維修」和「靜慮」可以擴展經驗的範圍,覺照到一些原來處於下意識或潛意識的思維活動,佛教聖者更親證到這種覺照範圍的擴展並不以人的意識為界,而可以遍及一切。佛教修行的最高目標就是達到對一切的直證認識,這與常人採用假設檢驗得到的認識是根本不同的。  感覺和思維過程本身都是剎那生滅的,可以概括為了別,在排除一切假設檢驗的建構之後,只有感覺本身、思維過程本身和聖者所實證的深層思維本身是真實的,這就是唯了別。


黑箱 世界模型 假設檢驗 認識論 經驗 唯了別


An ordinary man can only receive signals from outside world by sensing channels, while the world outside the sense can never be known directly. Therefore, the outside would is equivalent to a black box in the inside world, and the understanding process of an ordinary people is virtually the process of constructing models of the black box by means of assumption and check-up on the basis of the output from the black box (the signals of sense). The outside world in our mind is actually a model constructed according to the signals sensed. Is the world outside our mind the same as what we sense it? This is a problem that never had an answer for ordinary people. The theory of science is an abstract model. The acknowledgment of reality should have no assumptions. In the acknowledgment of an ordinary people, only the experience is sensed directly, and the thought process itself can attain such a standard. By striving for virtue through thinking, and thinking in still, the extent of experience can be expanded, and some thought originally in subconsciousness can be sensed. The awakened in Buddhism even proved that the expanding of this sense is not limited by the consciousness of mankind, but covering all things. The up-most objective of Buddhism’s striving for virtue is to attain the acknowledgment of reality by direct proving, which is virtually in contrast to the acknowledgment obtained by ordinary people through assumption and checkup. Sense and thought process forms and disappears instantly, and can be generalized as sensing-and-standing. After the rejection of all assumptions and check-ups, and thereby the configuration of models, only the sense itself, the thought process itself and the deep thought itself proved by the awakened are true, and this is the theory of exclusive sensing and standing.


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