  • 期刊


Study a Web-Based assement System (WATA) as Teacher's Training Program on Evaluation Technuque



本研究旨在探討一個網際網路的線上評量系統應用於生物科職前教師之師資訓練上之成效。這個系統稱為「網際網路評量與試後分析系統WATA(Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis System)」,具有Triple-A(Assembling、Administrating、Appraising)的架構,有(a)「考試管理引擎」,可以讓教學者輕易的管理考試行程、線上題庫與使用雙向細目分析表命題;(b)「監考引擎」可以讓教學者輕易的掌握應考者的考試;(c)「試後分析引擎」可以讓教學者迅速進行試後分析。研究發現,這樣的訓練使得參與研究的30位職前教師對評量有更深入的認識與了解,也就是:(1)對於實施評量的觀念更為正確,且更有效運用評量策略來改善教學。(2)更能精熟教材內容及正確地掌握命題方向進而提升其命題能力。(3)更能掌握評量理論的精神與自已命題的優缺點以為日後命題的參考。(4)願意主動了解到學習者的迷思概念所在,以運用於輔助日後教學。(5)對評量實施的流程有更完整的認識。未來建議應該針對各項教師學科教學能力(PCK)訓練的需要,開發各種「線上模擬教學」的網路工具(Web Tools),讓職前或是實習教師親身使用,並在網路上對同儕進行親身的模擬教學,如此對於PCK能力的訓練將有事半功倍的效果。


This research tried to inquiry the effectiveness of utilizing a web-based assessment system to the Biology pre-service teacher training program. The system is named ‘WATA (Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis System)’ which is equipped with ‘Triple-A module (Assembling, Administrating & Appraising)’ -(a) ‘Assembling Engine’- Help teachers to manage exam schedules; (b) ‘Administrating Engine’ - Help teachers to control and administrate online exams; (c) ‘Appraising Engine’ - Help teachers to process item and test analysis. The result revealed pre-service teachers participated in this research has progressed in their assessment ability: (1) they had better assessment concept and testing procedure and would used effective assessment strategy to improve teaching; (2) they were willing to master the teaching content, construct better items and understand the advantages and disadvantages of their items; (3) understand the misconceptions of students more actively. In the future, it is better to develop ‘Web Tools’for pre-service teachers to simulate to teaching peers in the internet, which will facilitate the PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) training.
