  • 期刊


Exemplified by the MP3 Download Behavioral by Students in the Technological and Vocational System


近年來政府積極推行國家資訊基礎建設與鼓勵上網,根據資策會所進行的「我國網路族群分析」發現網路使用者平均年齡為26.8歲,大專以上學歷者占72.6%,職業為學生者占39%(龔俊霖,2001)。本文以便利抽樣方式調查技職體系三所學校的學生有效問卷504份,結合科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)與計劃行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB)建構技職學生MP3使用行為模式,獲致以下結論,作為後續學術研究及政府、產業參考。 一、使用者對於MP3軟體的「認知有用」、「認知易用」受到MP3軟體所提供的「資訊豐富性」正向顯著影響;MP3軟體的「認知易用」對於「認知有用」無顯著影響。 二、使用者下載MP3格式歌曲的「態度」受其對於MP3軟體的「認知易用」、「認知有用」與其「同儕關係」、「行為控制知覺」、「主觀規範」等有正向顯著影響;使用者的「法律認知」並無顯著影響下載MP3格式歌曲的「態度」。 三、使用者下載MP3格式歌曲的「行為意向」受到使用者「態度」之正向顯著影響;使用者的「主觀規範」對下載MP3格式歌曲的「行為意向」為負向顯著影響;使用者的「行為控制知覺」對下載MP3格式歌曲的「行為意向」無顯著影響。 四、使用者下載MP3格式歌曲的「行為」受到使用者之「行為意向」、「主觀規範」等負向顯著影響。 五、研究模式中各潛在依變項對整體模式的變異解釋力(R^2),分別為:認知易用(0.64)、認知有用(0.63)、態度(0.84)、行為意向(0.81)、行為(0.24);模式之配適度指標(goodness of fit index, GFI)與調整後配適度指標(adjusted goodness of fit index, AGFI)分別為0.91與0.88。


In recent years, the Government are trying to carry out the national information infrastructure and encouraging the access to the internet. Based on the analysis of internet user, performed by the Institute for Information and Industry, it was found that the average age of internet users was 26.8 years old, 72.6% had an education background above college and 39% were students (Jun-Lin Gong, 2001). In this study, 504 effectual questionnaires were taken from students of the 3 colleges in the Technological and Vocational System and integrated with technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) to construct a behavior model of MP3 downloads. The following conclusion could be used as references by further studies, Government, and industries. 1. The impressions, including ”perceived usefulness” and ”perceived easy of use” of user on MP3 software are positively influenced by the abundance of information provided by MP3 software. 2. The ”attitude toward the behavior” of users on MP3 download is mainly positively influenced by ”perceived usefulness” and ”perceived easy of use” of MP3 softwares, as well as ”same generation”, ”perceived behavioral control” and ”subjective norm” of users and however, not significantly influenced by the ”perception of law” of users. 3. The ”behavioral intention” of users on MP3 download is mainly positively influenced by the ”attitude toward the behavior” of users and negatively influenced by the ”subjective norm” of users. The ”perceived behavioral control” of users has no significant influence on the ”behavioral intention” of MP3 download. 4. The ”behavior” of MP3 download is mainly negatively influenced by the ”behavioral intention” and ”subjective norm” of users. 5. In this model, R^2 of each latent dependent variableness is 0.64 for perceived easy of use, 0.63 for perceived usefulness, 0.84 for attitude toward the behavior, 0.81 for behavioral intention and 0.27 for behavior. The goodness of fit index (GFI) and adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) is 0.91 and 0.88, respectively.


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