  • 期刊


The Process for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Dealing with the Issue of Forgiveness


本研究的目的在於探索童年期性侵害受害者,對於原諒議題的處理及覺知歷程。資料蒐集以深度訪談之方式訪談十三位童年期(九歲之前)曾受過性侵害的女性,每位訪談四至八小時。其中十位曾接受過心理諮商,另三位並未接受過任何正式的專業協助。研究資料分析,以質性研究的分析原則進行。主要研究發現: 一、受訪者如何原諒自己:(一) 認知到自己受到侵犯時是無助的受害者;(二) 意識並接自己曾主動參與性侵害事件,是因為渴望得到愛;(三) 重新理解為什麼性侵害發生在自己身上;(四)經歷創傷復原的歷程。 二、受訪者如何原諒保護者(現實生活中的照顧者與形而上的上帝)。 三、原諒加害者的四個層次:(一) 未考慮此議題;(二) 以宿命因果關係來解釋侵犯事件;(三)自我超越的歷程:處理自己負面的情緒、原諒自己、接受被侵犯的事實、意識到自己的不完美而產生同理心、與他人的比較、客觀的認知能力的增加;(四)發現受害的正面意義。


The purpose of this study is to explore how the female survivors of childhood sexual abuse dealt with the issue of forgiveness. The authors interviewed 13 participants who had been sexually abused before the age of 9. Each participant spent 4 to 8 hours for the interview. Ten of the participants had received counseling service while three did not. Data analysis was done according to the principles of qualitative research. There are three results from this study: 1.How the participants forgive ‘‘herself’’: (1)They acknowledged that they were helpless victims when the abuse happened in young age. Therefore, they had no response to what had happened. (2)They were aware of and accepted that they had been involved in the abuse actively because they needed love and care from the abuser. (3)They tried to understand the abuse experience from and adult’s point of view. (4)The process of counseling helped them deal with the traumatic experience. 2.How the participants forgive their protectors, for instance, their mothers and God. 3.How the participants forgive the abusers. There are four levels on this process: (1)The participants had never thought about this issue. (2)The participants applied the cause-effect theory to explain what had happened; therefore, they thought that the abuse was part of the fate. (3) The participants had gone through their trauma recovery process to deal with the impact of the abuse, forgiven ‘‘herself’’ , accepted the fact of the abuse, and developed a new understanding of the abuse. This is a process of self-transformation, which helps the participants forgive the abusers. (4)The participants discovered the positive meanings of their suffering in their lives.


childhood sexual abuse forgiveness


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