  • 期刊

Poland Syndrome in a Neonate: Report of One Case



新生兒的Poland syndrome是一少見的疾病,發生率約為活產兒的七千分之一至十萬分之一。臨床表現包括:胸大肌肋骨胸骨端的缺失、同側乳房或乳頭發育不全或缺失、皮下脂肪及腋毛的缺失、肋骨及上肢的異常。我們報告一位Poland syndrome的男性新生兒,出生後發現左側胸壁凹陷及呼吸窘迫。胸部超音波顯示,左側胸壁的胸大肌發育不良,然而同側上肢並無異常。病嬰追蹤到四個月大,左上肢並無運動受限的現象。


Poland syndrome is an infrequent disease that presents in newborn infants and features an incidence of about one in 7,000 to one in 100,000 live births. The clinical features include an absence of the costosternal portion of the pectoralis major muscle, hypoplasia and/or aplasia of the ipsilateral breast or nipple, hypoplasia of subcutaneous tissue, abnormalities of the rib cage and upper extremity anomalies. We present a male newborn suffering Poland syndrome who featured a depressed left chest wall with respiratory distress. Ultrasonography of the chest revealed the absence of a section of pectoralis major muscle over the left chest wall, although no abnormality was found over the ipsilateral upper extremity. The patient was regularly followed up and showed no limitation to the range of motion of the left upper extremity at the age of four months.


Poland syndrome respiratory distress newborn
