

We present an enhanced system to test and evaluate hand functions for both people with physical impairments and healthy people. The system is comprised of three major parts. First, an auto-scaling sensory circuit is designed to convert the motion strength into an appropriate electronic signal, which is then entered into the computer via computer interface circuitry. This ensures increased accuracy of assessment by decreasing the error caused through overshooting. Second, software for user tutoring is developed to provide an effective guide for simplifying system operations. Patients are thus able to conduct their rehabilitation independently, which cuts down on the time and effort of medical staff. Third, a complete database management system is developed and used to store related testing and personal data. In addition, a decision rule is proposed to serve as a criterion for concluding the assessment and training results among the different testing parameters, and a proper signal is generated to inform the user of the status of the rehabilitation. System performance from the aspects of both functionality and quality is compared to different methods previously reported in the literature. The advantages of the proposed system are shown for a wide area of applications.


Grip strength Rehabilitation Evaluation Auto-scaling


Yang, S. C. (2011). 利用氧化鋅奈米柱發光二極體發展腫瘤偵測技術 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00260
