





We analyzed 89 cases of needle stick injuries at a medical center in middle Taiwan for the Section of infection Control from January 2000 to December 2001. We found that nurses made up the group that most frequently suffered needle stick injuries (59/89:66.3%) in a hospital setting. The most common site of injury was the right hand in (69/72; 95.8%) of the victims. Most injuries occurred in the general ward (39/87; 44.8%). The most common type of activity taking place when the injuries occurred was medical therapy (31/89; 34.8%). The most common device used during the injuries was syringe injection needles (38/89; 42.7%). Among the 9 nurses that had worked with patients with chronic hepatitis, one was found to have contracted hepatisis C (1/9:11.1%). No one in our series was found to have been exposed to HBV or HIV during the needle point injuries. Of all the needle stick injures, 18.7% (14/75) of the victims had 3 months or less experience, 32% (24/75) had less than half a year, and 52.0% (39/75) had less than 1 year. The total incidence rates for the year 2000 and 2001 were 2.5% (37/1454) and 3.4% (52/1518), respectively. Only 18.9% (7/37) and 19.2% (10/52) of victims had a one-year follow-up examination. Together, health-care personnel, hospital managers, and the government should work to prevent needle stick injuries through modifying procedures, ongoing education, engineering control, use of safety devices and a post-exposure prophylaxis policy.


needle stick health-care personnel


