  • 期刊


Kinematic Analysis of the a Type Quick Attack



在排球技術中攻擊為最主要的得分手段,而攻擊中最需仰賴的就是戰術搭配,攻擊戰術不外乎時間、空間兩個主要模式。而快攻便是組織戰術中的發起者,戰術搭配的好壞,相對影響到攻擊得分的成效。因此訓練出優秀的快攻手,在比賽中不但可以先發制人,還可以組織良好的攻擊戰術。快攻最主要特色就是助跑時啟動快、起跳快、出手快、攻擊類型多變,所以要訓練出優秀的快攻選手,就必須從選手的動作結構上做探討,了解選手在啟動扣球動作時的動作型態,才能針對重點做改善或加強。比賽中常見快攻攻擊類型有有A式快攻、B式快攻、C式快攻、D式快攻以及空間差快攻、開網式快攻等技術,可見目前快攻的技術類型越來越多變。而本研究使用Mega高速攝影機拍攝快攻扣球動作,並進行2D運動學分析,取樣率為每秒250張,快門速率為1/1000,比例尺座標為1公尺平方,影片分析則採用silicon coach分析運動學參數。針對快攻的攻擊動作做分析,將攻擊動作分為六個時期:1.準備期(preparatory) 2.助跑期(approach) 3.併步期(plant phase) 4.起跳期(takeoff) 5.空中動作期(spiking) 6.落地期(recovery)等六個時期動作做定量與定性分析並結合技術指導,同時也將國內常見的快攻類型稍做介紹,希望帶給教練一些訓練上的啟發與建議。


The main tool of gaining points in volley ball is the offensive stricks. The underlining strategy of a good offensive strike rely on one's strategy and tactics. The importance of an good offentic stragety lies in timing and space. Since a fast offensive stradegy is the key to scoring, coordination between the setter and teamates are important and can determine the result of the game. Thus training a athlete with a quick and power attack can not only bennefit the result of the game, but also the coordination of the team for faster reponse and deffensive formation. In order to succefully and effectively train an strong player with quick offsive skills, analysis on the athlete's action of different stance. Analyzing athlete's wrist action and starting position on different plays can help trainer to strenthen and imporve their skills.Common quick attack attacks the type and has A type quick attack , B type quick attack , C type quick attack , D type quick attack and bad quick attack of space, holds network type quick attack etc. in the match, it is obvious that the technological type quicked attack at present is more and more changeable. And movement that this research uses Mega high-speed cinecamera and shoots quick attack to spikes, and carry on 2D kinematics analysis, person who take a sample as have 250 per more second, shutter speed 1/1000, scale for 1 square coordinate, the film analyse that adopts silicon coach to analyse the kinematics parameter. This study analyses different the stances of attacking action of players and categorizes them into 6 stages; prepretory, approach, plant phase, takeoff, spiking and recovery. Summing the motion of these six stages, analysis can then be made about the effectiveness and the flaws different styles of each play. These data and conclusion can then enhence the player's techniques, and create insights to coaches and trainers.


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