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Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning on College Student's Creativity


二十一世紀是一個以腦力決定勝負的年代,僵化的思維已經跟不上社會的變化,提升國內學子的創造力發展實屬刻不容緩且具有舉足輕重的重要性。因此,本研究主要目的在於探討專題導向學習對大學生創造力之研究,以北部地區某國立大學選修運動指導法課之54位二年級學生,其中包括33位男學生及21位女學生為本實驗之研究對象,本教學實驗為每週一節課,每次100分鐘,共安排五週的教學實驗介入。並在教學實驗實施之前後施以「新編創造思考測驗」包含語文創造思考測驗與圖形創造思考測驗,並根據前後測所得資料以描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定進行分析,且將本研究之顯著水準定為α=.05。本研究結果如下: 一、專題導向學習能有效提升大學生在語文創造思考測驗之流暢力、變通力、獨創力等創造思考能力表現且達到顯著水準。 二、專題導向學習能有效提升大學生在圖形創造思考測驗之流暢力、變通力、獨創力等創造思考能力表現且達到顯著水準,但在精進力表現上,前測成績表現顯著優於後測成績。由上述的結果得知,在五週短期研究中,專題導向學習介入有助於增進大學生的創造力。


The 21th century is an age decided by the well-mental ability, and the rigid thoughts couldn't follow up the fast change of society. It was urgent to promote the creativity development of students and played a decisive role now. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the short term effectiveness of implement of project-based learning (PBL) on college student's creativity abilities. More closely, the study intended to: a) understand how the student's verbal creativity on fluency, flexibility, and originality after apply the PBL; b). understand how the student's figure creativity on, fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration after apply the PBL. Fifty-four (n=54) sophomore college students and their instructor were participated in this study. The PBL was explored in the course for 5 weeks. Each class met for 100 minutes a week. All the students were administered the ”The New Tests of Creative Thinking” from pre-test and post-test. The descriptive and paired samples t-test statistics were utilized to analyze the acquired data. The significant or rejection level was set at the .05 level. The results were as follows: a). The PBL was significantly improve in the verbal creativity on the factors of fluency, flexibility, and originality in college students. b). The PBL was significantly improve in the figure creativity on the factors of fluency, flexibility, and originality in college students, but in the figure creativity on the factors of elaboration was significantly in pre-test better than post-test. In conclusion, the PBL was effective in improving the student's verbal and figure's creativity abilities.


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