  • 期刊


Reflections and Suggestions Concerning the Legal Disputes about the Absentee Voting




Taiwan's regulations on the qualification of a voter focus mainly on one's registered address, and less on where one really lives. Hence, some scholars argue that before the absentee voting system is carried out, it shall be first clarified whether one really lives in a constituency. In other words, the ”phantom populations” shall first be dealt, and then the absentee voting system can be correctly brought into practice. To reconfirm one's really living in a constituency, the voter need to adduce his/her own evidence.The current institutions emphasizing the real accommodation of a voter builds its theoretical basis on the formation of resident identity, community of destiny, and interests of resource allocation. However, these theories are questionable. Besides, it may cost much time for the administration and add burdens to a voter by asking one to adduce evidence of one's real accommodation. Such regulation may also lead to questions about ”presumption of guilty” and ”improperly limiting the freedom of election and freedom of movement.”Basing on the ideal for freedom of election, this article suggests a two-step absentee voting system focusing on voters' own choice, when the administration is mature and the society accepts. At the first step, following German system which allows voters to register according to their own wish. Those who have not registered to be voters in a constituency are then assumed to be voting in the constituency covering their registered address. At the second step, the voter registration system is introduced.Voters can freely choose the constituencies which they want to vote. Unlike the first step, the election administration will not assume that a voter is going to vote at the constituency covering his/her registered address, if he/she does not register which constituency they want to vote in. He/she then is to lose the opportunity for carrying out the right to vote.




